The Applicant

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You're lucky that Daeho enjoys teasing you about Seokjin more than actually planning to make you guys become a thing. It doesn't look like he has any real hopes of the two of you being together. He mainly does it to get a reaction out of you. Unfortunately, he's successful every time. Daeho gets amused from every expression of horror you make to laughing at your bright red face. If Daeho continues then Seokjin is going to misunderstand and believe you actually have a crush on him! That's not the case whatsoever! Your relationship with Seokjin is strictly professional with a hint of rivalry. Sure, Seokjin doesn't know you see him as an enemy at times, but he doesn't need to know that.

The only thing you're glad about is that Seokjin didn't take the idea of cooking together too seriously. To your knowledge at least. Daeho never worked on setting up a date and Seokjin didn't have any plans on making Daeho a special meal anytime soon. That left you feeling relieved. Aside from Daeho giving Seokjin mixed signals about your feelings towards him, work has been going fine. It was getting towards the end of the second week with Seokjin as head chef. Daeho was getting close to completing his second week of work too. Though Daeho hates the workload, he's gotten better at doing his job. No one yells at him anymore, but he still needs help.

Jackson has been searching for another employee still. So far, he's only received two applications. Both were from high school students on summer break. At least one of them had actual work experience related to the culinary business. You figured that would be the obvious choice, but Jackson wanted to interview the both of them. Then Daeho felt like he needed to be present during those interviews. He wanted to know who exactly he would be working with. Jackson refused to tell the young boy anything. He only showed Seokjin and you the resumes that were sent in. Seokjin and you both felt the experienced boy was the better choice to keep up with the restaurant compared to the girl who had no prior knowledge.

Daeho needs help washing dishes. Getting someone who started out like him would not be doing him any favors. You also don't think he's ready to introduce the kitchen to anyone. There's still a lot left for him to learn. But Daeho is learning quick and you can see that with his effort. It was Thursday and the restaurant has only been opened for four hours. Today was a slow day compared to how loud and busy the kitchen can usually get. At least there were enough orders to keep the chefs of Délice occupied. Seokjin was keeping an eye on them while you slipped back to watch Daeho washing the dishes. He scrapped the remnants of a macaroni salad into the trash before noticing your stare.

"Imo!" Daeho grinned. "Come watch me! I've made a few of my own techniques."

"Oh, techniques?" You walked over to see him using the power hose on the top of the plate. The cream washed right off in less than three seconds. He pushed the hose away to wipe the plate down quickly with soap and slipping it into the detergent. He moved to the second compartment, rinsing it off before dunking it into the quat sanitizer water. He moved on to another plate, repeating the same process and pulled out the other plate. While the other soaked in the sanitizer, Daeho placed the first plate on a rack to air dry. "You're so much faster!"

"I'm getting the hang of it." Daeho nodded with a tiny smile on his face. "I'm quick with plates and utensils. I'm just slow at pots and pans."

"You'll figure it out, Dae." You reassured him. "You'll be getting help soon too! Dishwashing will be done at top speed!"

"Do you...know when Chef Wang is interviewing—?" Daeho tried to casually ask. Nope. It wasn't any of his business right now. He'll get to know once Jackson privately interviews each of them.

"I have to get back. Keep the work up, Daeho!" You started turning around.

"No fair!" Daeho whined.

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