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Jackson has been acting strange since the second you stepped into work with Daeho. He stayed glued in his office, staring outside the window. You had no idea as to what he was staring at. The window only gave him a poor view of the staff parking lot and a huge tree. That was about it. Daeho and Haesung tried talking to the boss in hopes of figuring something out. Jackson only mumbled that he wanted to see Peanut and Seokjin to them. The two boys left the office in utter confusion. What had the boss so glum? It wasn't like Jackson to just dramatically stand in front of a window, sighing every three seconds. He also had his hands behind his back, occasionally clenching his hands into aggressive fists before letting go. His head would drop and he would groan before repeating the entire process all over again. It all took about a minute to do so.

Everyone else in the kitchen was weirded out, but claimed it was just Jackson being himself. That may have been so but that didn't mean there wasn't something bothering him. Now you may not be the best of friends with Jackson, but at least you're somewhat friends with him. You could tell something was making him upset. The thing was...he's possibly upset over something stupid. That's a high possibility. You've only ever seen Jackson truly hurt and upset once. The way he's acting right now let's you know it's a low level worry. That didn't stop him from acting dramatic and blowing it out of proportion just so you and Seokjin would come inside faster.

Seokjin was adding more paper to the kitchen printer. Délice hadn't opened its door yet to the public. Everyone in the kitchen was still working on their stations. Chefs prepping dishes, bringing specific ingredients to their area, or doing their own cleaning rituals last minute. Seokjin was making sure everything was in order before the restaurant opened. Less than thirty minutes and you guys would be serving the public. That's why when Daeho and Haesung told Seokjin to go into Jackson's office, he wasn't too happy about that. You didn't want to get pulled away from entering your cooking zone, but you also didn't want to get fired.

"We brought them," Daeho said as the four of you stepped in. He stayed by the door with Haesung. Seokjin and you walked up until the two of you were a couple feet away from Jackson. He kept his back facing you guys as he took in a heavy breath from his nose.

"Thank you, Chestnut. I can always rely on you." Jackson sounded emotional enough to cry.

"Yeah," Daeho replied without much feeling. This gesture clearly didn't mean anything to him.

"Walnut, close the door on your way out. I love you two, but I only want the senior chefs here," Jackson requested.

"On it, Boss!" Haesung saluted the male before shutting the door. Jackson brought his hands up to his face as he hunched over. What is he doing? It almost sounded like Jackson was holding in the urge to sob.

"Walnut is such a f*cking sweetheart!" Jackson shouted as he turned around to stare at Seokjin and you. The both of you were incredibly startled. How come he said that so violently? Seokjin almost wanted to hide behind you from how Jackson was acting. Out of all people to hide behind, why you? Is he always such a scaredy cat? A soft giggle left your lips. That's kind of cute.

"What is your problem?" You decided to be blunt with your boss.

"What she said!" Seokjin shouted, waving an angry fist around. That action only made him look like a ninety year old man.

"My problem? My problem!?" Jackson screamed. Now you were getting scared. Maybe you totally misread the situation and Jackson was having a mental break down. It was your turn to hide behind Seokjin. He whined, trying his best to stay up front and protect you from the seething man. "I'll tell you what my problem is!"

"Just don't hurt anyone!" Seokjin scrunched up his face. Jackson let out a heavy sigh, doing his best to calm himself down. He ran a hand through his brown hair before grabbing a fistful. You just hope he doesn't rip a clump off from his head. Luckily, Jackson still had some sanity left inside of him. He put his hands on his hips as he stared at Seokjin and you seriously.

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