Eat Up

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It was colder than you anticipated in the morning. Your hands felt frozen while the rest of your body was warm. Somehow you felt cozy despite your sleeping position. Slowly opening your eyes, you tiredly woke up to a white room. Daeho was sleeping soundly in his bed. He quietly snored with his head laying down against his right shoulder. He's going to be healing up very soon. It felt nice seeing him relaxing like this. You never wanted to see your poor baby in so much pain again. You're going to be diligent about the food he eats this time around. Daeho is going to be sure of it himself as well. No more gluten in your household.

Sitting up in your chair, you lifted your arms to stretch out your back. You needed it after the position you slept in the entire night. The second you straightened your posture, you felt your body get cold. A fuzzy blanket fell off your shoulders and sunk down in your seat. A blanket? You don't remember bringing a blanket or putting one on yourself in the first place. With a bewildered expression, you looked around the room to see Seokjin sleeping on the couch. He was curled up, using his coat as a blanket. The male somehow managed to look like a model while sleeping. Did he take his coat and leave you with his blanket? He didn't have to do that.

Standing up from your seat, you carried the blanket over to him. It must have been uncomfortable trying to sleep on this small couch for him. Then he was curled into a ball to get all the warmth he could from his coat. His feet still poked out from the bottom. You silently giggled to yourself as you removed his coat off his body. The male stirred right away so you hurried to cover him up with his blanket. Seokjin's sleeping face relaxed, looking a lot happier now that he was completely warm. You couldn't help but smile at his softly snoring form. The two males in the room made your heart warm enough not to need a blanket. Folding Seokjin's coat, you put it near his things and returned back to your seat.

It looked like it was going to be a quiet morning for a while. You don't know what time the doctor was going to come back in here. Daeho doesn't get discharged from the hospital until later in the afternoon. He's going to be a lot better, but he was still getting some symptoms from his gluten intake. The boy still ached, but his rashes weren't traveling anymore. The redness on his skin was starting to return to his regular color. That's good. You smiled happily at your baby boy, glad that he was recovering. Though he wasn't your biological son, you were happy to take the role of mom for him. Seeing as Jiyoo is too petty to act like one. You're not quite sure what will happen with her in all honesty. All you know is that you're here for Daeho no matter what.

"Are you just going to keep staring at me?" Daeho muttered lazily. Your eyes widened in surprise to hear him speak. He soon opened his eyes, looking at you with a tiny smile.

"You're awake!" You stated in surprise. Right away, you stood up and looked around the room. "Are you hungry? Did you sleep well? Are you feeling better?"

"Yes." Daeho sighed. He continued to watch you practically run around the room in circles out of worry. His eyes glanced at Seokjin before looking at you again. "I get out today, right?"

"Huh? Oh, yes!" You paused to listen to the brunette. Nodding your head, you went back to his bedside with a calmer attitude. "I'll let you sleep in my bed for as long as you need. Then I'm going to cook all the food you need in order for you to recover. Slowly you'll get to eat regular food again and then we'll do exercise together, little by little. You're going to have to take it easy so don't worry. I'll take care of everything."

" I'm useless?" Daeho frowned. His eyes went down to his lap as he pursed his lips. Your heart almost took a harsh stop to hear that leave him.

"No, Dae. Not at all!" You shook your head at him. "You're sick and you need time to heal! You have time off work until you get better. I also will be taking care of you at home for a week or two."

Don't Forget Love || Seokjin x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن