Comfort Zone

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The ending to Daeho's first week of healing wasn't the best one. It had the potential of causing a lot of damage to both Daeho and you. While you had to stand up against your biggest tormenter, Daeho was barely getting out of a poor headspace. Seeing his mother didn't really help his situation. It was the first time you realized how miserable Daeho is around his mother. She has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. She barged in here, close to breaking the both of you but you were able to stand your ground. You did your best is what you really mean to say. If it weren't for Seokjin and Daeho by your side, you don't know how it would have turned out. For once you had something worth fighting for.

Daeho was also doing a lot better. Not just with his mindset, but physically. He's officially able to eat full meals and can walk just fine. His body doesn't suddenly give out and the symptoms have lessened. Your boy was in higher spirits now that he didn't feel like his own body was against him. It was immense improvement by the end of the second week. With how happy and healthy Daeho was feeling, the two of you decided together that he would be ready to go back to Délice tomorrow. Today was Sunday which meant his last free day before returning to his work schedule. Jackson was aware and made sure to tell Daeho he could still take it easy for another week. Then your baby being the way he is told Jackson to shove it and that he's got it.

It's a miracle Daeho gets to say what he wants and not get scolded by Jackson. You're sure there's going to be more of that considering what happened to Daeho. Jackson is going to let himself get stepped on for a couple days before finally trying to take control again. If he's lucky, he'll get the power taken away from Daeho. You're expecting Daeho to turn into the top dog very soon. You considered working on Daeho's manners towards older people, but it was pretty entertaining. Besides, Daeho knew which adults to trust and which ones to stay away from. The only real problem was when he spoke too bluntly like the incident with Jungkook.

Things are going to be interesting now that it's not just going to be only you now. Daeho agreed to stay with you for as long as he's under your care. He'll eventually move on when he's older, but for now he has to stay with his new mom. The legal stuff was slowly coming into the picture, but there was a long way to go. Especially since you and Jiyoo refuse to meet in person, but she has agreed to give you legal custody of Daeho. Luckily there would be no problems there. You've already started working on registering Daeho as a student at Haesung's high school. There were a lot of things to take care of now that you have a baby to take care of. Sure, Daeho hates it when you call him a baby, but you love it. It's also fun calling him your son and seeing how giddy the both of you get from it.

"I finished washing all the bedsheets," Daeho said as he stepped into the kitchen. He stared at you, seeing how lost you were in the sizzling of your food. You were currently cooking lunch since Haesung is supposed to be heading over soon. "Eomma!"

"Oh! Yes?" You blinked, coming back to reality. Daeho gave you a playful glare as he crossed his arms.

"I finished washing the sheets! Now you can sleep on your bed again and I can return to the ground." Daeho chuckled. You shook your head at him but mumbled a thank you. Daeho insisted that he wanted to take the ground again. He found it more comfortable on the thin floor mattress and quilts. Whatever he wants, you suppose.

"Maybe I should look into getting a bigger place," You suggested. "Just a two bedroom apartment so you can have your own privacy."

"I guess that'd be cool. It would just kinda suck in the beginning." Daeho walked over to the dining table. He pulled out a chair, letting his body fall down into the seat.

"And why's that?" You raised a brow at him. You thought he would consider moving a fun and exciting experience. It's always nice organizing stuff into boxes then entering a clean apartment. It's always the neatest when you first move in! But the moving of boxes can be a real pain.

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