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Daeho's P.O.V.

12 years ago


My name is Nam Daeho and I'm only four years old. I don't know who my father is, but I unfortunately know who my mother is. Her name is Jiyoo and she takes care of me when she feels like it. I was more oblivious then when I was four. I blindly followed my mother to a very familiar location. It was practically my home compared to the one my mom slept at. That day I had been fussy the entire car ride over since all I wanted to do was watch tv and play with my toys. I also wanted to do that with my mom, but she told me that I could have that at my grandparent's house. I'll have more fun there anyway or at least that's what she told me. She was always telling me that I had more fun at my grandparent's house. No matter how large the tantrum I threw, I always found myself here in the end.

Mom looked really pretty this morning. She put her makeup on early and went through all the effort of styling her hair and putting on a dress I've never seen before. I tiredly watched her get ready in my pajamas. She did yell at me to change into my outside clothes. I didn't understand why I couldn't sleep in some more, but I'll do what makes Mommy happy. All I could do was take off my pants successfully. Taking off my shirt was harder and I ended up getting it stuck above my head. I kicked and screamed until Mom finally helped me change. I could tell she wasn't happy that I couldn't change myself. It's something I'm working on. Once we were both ready, we got in her car and now we're near my grandparent's house.

"Ew. Knock that off." Jiyoo tapped my wrist. I stared up at her with my left hand in my mouth, confused on what exactly I was doing wrong. She was holding my right hand but inevitably released it.

"Ma...Eomma!" I took my hand out of my mouth, using both hands to reach for her. Jiyoo didn't pay too much attention to my cries as she went up to the front door. She knocked on the door, impatiently waiting for her parents to open it up. In my attempts to reach her again I ran only to fall over a step I didn't notice. Jiyoo was too busy peeking through the windows to hear my initial cries. "Eomma!!"

"What?" Jiyoo looked down at me. My little face was red as I sobbed about the scratch I got on the palm of my hand. This was the last thing she wanted to deal with. All she wanted was for someone to open the door already. She forgot her key at home and there was no way she was going to drive all the way back just to get it. It would only get my hopes up and she already had plans to fulfill.

Groaning, she crouched down to lift me up onto my feet. I was incredibly small for being four years old. I've always been on the small side, but she didn't think much of it. She figured I probably just need to drink milk. That or puberty will do its job, right? Jiyoo sighed heavily for the tenth time this morning as she roughly patted down my clothes that got a bit dirty from the fall. I was finally calming down as I watched my mother. Despite having her tend to my needs right now, I couldn't get myself to smile. I continued to pout with my bottom lip far out. I knew she was going to leave me with my grandparents as soon as they foolishly opened the front door.

And they did. It was almost a routine that the grandparents still couldn't get the hang of. They were shocked every time meanwhile Jiyoo forced herself to be overly happy and loving to them. She stood up, rushing to them right away. I stayed outside as I watched Jiyoo push her parents back inside the house. She couldn't have them deny the favor of taking care of her son. This was a constant occurrence at the Nam household. Jiyoo would drop me onto her family unannounced and typically cancel any plans they had made prior. Using her parents was the only time Jiyoo took the meaning of family to heart. I hesitantly stepped inside, worried I would get the same look I always received from my grandparents. The one wishing I wasn't there, but with Jiyoo instead. I wanted the same thing.

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