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Daeho eats really well which makes you happy. He'll basically eat anything you make him as long as its gluten free. Adjusting to his dietary needs was a bit of a struggle, but you were handling it fine. Now you had a lot more ingredients to help you avoid gluten in your house. Plus, his needs were helping you memorize more recipes. You couldn't be too mad at this great opportunity. Daeho also seems to enjoy not leaving the house for food all the time. He just needs to turn to you and you're already on it. Daeho would also follow you to grocery stores now which made you happy. He's not stuck on the couch, staring at his phone for hours. The two of you are able to judge gluten free products together and he gets the final decision on what you buy.

His attitude towards you has grown a little better. It's only when you guys are at work that he's completely bitter. He can't stand his workload, the hours, and didn't want to work in general. It was just something he had to do now. You wondered if he would ever get over it. Daeho will always have time to complain while you did your best to bite down on your tongue. Seokjin is the head chef and you're just going to have to tolerate it. Tolerate Seokjin and his awful—breathe! Yes, tolerating it. Daeho and you had your own battles to get over this summer.

Unfortunately, it was only the fourth day of work. It was Thursday so you guys were halfway through the week. Just today, Friday, and Saturday. It's possible! You've been completing work as normal aside from having to deal with Seokjin's style of running a kitchen. Meanwhile Daeho was still struggling to wash dishes quickly and was messing up at times. Jackson would get the kitchen porter to help or he would help a little bit himself. You haven't had time to properly teach Daeho, but you knew you had to do it already. Others in the kitchen were getting annoyed by your nephew's pace and attitude. In particular, the butcher's patience with Daeho was running extremely thin.

"Peanut!" Jackson called. His arms were crossed as you sighed heavily. You had a feeling you knew what this would be about. "Chestnut's dishwashing—"

"I'll teach him as soon as we get home. I promise you this time!" You assured him. Jackson pursed his lips but gave in. You were his friend so he couldn't stay mad at you for long. Besides, he knew you were a strong worker. If you hadn't had the time then there was a reason for it. You'll make sure Daeho learns tonight no matter what. Right now Délice is about to open and you can't be worrying about Daeho at the moment.

"I trust you, Peanut." Jackson kept his eyes connected with yours.

"(F/n)." You smiled at him.

"Nope." Jackson ran away childishly. Your friendly smile twitched, wanting to contort into a frustrated pout. Three unsuccessful years of trying to get Jackson to refer to you as (F/n) only. That's the only thing you haven't been able to achieve quiet yet. Still, you refuse to count that as failure. Just as one day you'll get head chef, one day you'll get to be called (F/n).

You shook your head to yourself as you walked over to check on Daeho. Though you can't baby sit him, it wouldn't hurt to see how he was doing. He was tucked away in his special room filled with cleaning supplies, racks, and the large sink. There were also two washing machines and two dryers. Those were there to clean towels, aprons, hats, and chef coats. Daeho was taking out the clean towels and folding them all slowly. He really needs to start working faster. You stood next to him, reaching into the basket and showing him how it's done. Grab corners, flick, fold, bend, and done. Set it aside and start a new one. Once you have a method, it's easier to repeat it.

"The goal is to have over twenty five folded in under a minute. You're folding ten at most." You gave him a thumbs up in hopes that it would inspire him to work harder. Would that even motivate him at all? You don't know, but hopefully it's comforting as well.

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