Don't Forget Love

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The celebration party was kind of a mess overall. Everyone else had a great time at the party in general. Everyone, but you, Jackson, Seokjin, and Daeho. Things were kinda heading down hill for you the moment Jackson left you alone to go to the bathroom. Then Seokjin fell on top of you, leaving your emotions all over the place. Somehow things got worse because why not? Jackson and Daeho caught Seokjin on top of you. They automatically assumed the worst with Jackson losing trust in Seokjin and Daeho getting traumatized. Seokjin finally earned himself a nut nickname and then...well Taehyung made you feel better. That was nice.

The drive home though was extremely awkward. Daeho was dead silent the entire ride back home. He didn't want to mention anything that happened in Seokjin's bedroom. He didn't even gush about spending time with Haesung or any of his other friends. You really didn't know what to say if he actually bothered to start some sort of conversation. Not only did he catch Seokjin and you in a misleading position, but it seems like a lot more happened once you left. Jackson and Daeho wouldn't stop screaming at your friend who only screamed louder in return. You have no idea how that was supposed to help anything, but okay.

Things were mostly quiet between Daeho and you. It wasn't until the morning that there was finally some kind of conversation going on. A few words were exchanged. Simple stuff like 'what do you want for breakfast' and 'good morning'. It was still pretty awkward though. Too much for your own liking. Daeho is now like your baby so you were getting frustrated to have this atmosphere with him. This is not what you wanted in the slightest. You finished eating, looking up at the boy across the small table. He continued to eat with his eyes glued to his plate.

"Daeho, we should talk." You sighed as the boy became stiff. "I don't know what your Appa said, but I'll tell you the truth of the situation."

"No, it's okay." Daeho shook his head with a frown. "Adult stuff. I know."

"No! It's not like that at all." You insisted. "Listen Dae, it was all by accident. Seokjin was talking to me and when we were getting ready to leave, he accidentally fell on top of me. That's when you guys walked in."

"...what were you guys talking about?" Daeho questioned softly. Your smile became tight, not really wanting to admit what was on your mind to him. It's too early in the morning and you don't want him worrying about you. Daeho sadly took your silence as you hiding the truth. "Never mind. His little chef said more than enough." He stood up from the table, bringing his dishes as well as yours over to the sink to wash.

"I would never do anything dirty or intimate like that..." You sighed, feeling your heart ache. That was the truth. It's going to take you a long time before you could ever do that with anyone. Even shaking hands with someone wasn't easy. Daeho glanced at you, eventually nodding to what you said.

You didn't know what you wanted at this point. Either have Daeho believe Seokjin and you could never do such a thing because of your issues or be able to say that you could overcome those worries. Of course you wished you could be able to do romantic stuff, but also simple things. You just want to open a door without gloves on. Walk outside without issues, no need to use sanitizer every couple minutes and just live your life like a normal person. You wanted that so badly for yourself. It was getting to a point where you wondered if you would ever truly get that. Could you ever be so lucky?

The drive over to Délice wasn't too bad. Daeho was finally able to talk to you as long as it didn't revolve around what happened at the celebration party. That was for the best. He mainly talked about Taehyung introducing Jimin and that you guys might get another waiter joining staff. You only hummed along, half listening as you drove. It was a little hard to pull yourself out of your head for some reason. The conversation during breakfast made you a lot more miserable than you thought it would have. Did you basically accept that things will never change for you? Parking the car in the staff parking lot, you did your best to keep up with Daeho as he rushed inside Délice.

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