Sneaking Off

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The bread turned out amazing as it always does. Haesung and Seokjin were so happy with their bread. They admitted that they would try to start making it on their own free time. That made you so happy to hear that. Most of the bread was eaten up. Only one person couldn't have the bread which was Daeho. He finished it and stared at the golden brown loaf. He tapped the bottom to hear the perfect hollow sound. Daeho mainly stared at his creation until he tried eating it. What he did practically gave you a heart attack. Haesung was shocked while you rushed to the boy who attempted to put a piece in his mouth. It felt like you had a dog when you told him to drop it. Daeho was going to try swallowing it until Seokjin had to physically remove the piece from your nephew who had it so close to his mouth.

It was disgusting. Just looking back on it still made a shiver run down your back. You would never go that far, but you're glad Seokjin took one for the team. Daeho was pouty all night but you'd rather have him frown instead of suffering from his choices. All Daeho has said about his issue with gluten is that he's sensitive to it. He's never really used the word allergy but you're not taking any chances. He can't eat gluten on your watch and that's the end of story. Haesung lightly scolded his friend for trying to pull a stunt like that but Haesung later admitted he thought it was funny. Those boys thought it was a silly moment. It really wasn't for you, but okay.

You had quite the talk with Daeho once Seokjin and Haesung left. Daeho was almost shocked with how much his actions upset you. He muttered an apology though and the two of you hugged. Daeho didn't seem to be too affectionate and you were barely used to hugging him. It worked out fine every time which was all that mattered. The next morning, Daeho and you were getting ready for work. There was a lot of playful teasing between the two of you. It was mainly you claiming you would make him sit in the corner and him telling you that he was too old for that kind of punishment. That's a pretty fair punishment in your opinion though.

The two of you entered work with friendly attitudes. Daeho ran over to Haesung, excited to see his motorcycle already in the parking lot. The boy was begging to see the license but Haesung was embarrassed by his photo. While those two chatted, you went to put your things away. You put your purse in your special spot. Of course, you used a sanitation wipe to clean your area. The closet was always kind of a dusty area. Just as you finished wiping your spot is when someone entered the small room. You stiffened up, balling up the wipe in hopes of hiding it from the person. Thankfully, it was only Seokjin. You relaxed to see him grin at you.

"(F/n)!" Seokjin happily bounced inside. He noticed your tiny fist faster than you would have liked. He tilted his head before reaching his hand out with an open palm. "I'll throw that away for you. Put your stuff away and get ready for work."

"Chef Kim—"

"Exactly! These are orders from the head chef!" Seokjin smirked. How dare he use his power like this? You huffed but dropped the dirty wipe in his hand anyway. He went to throw it away as you put your things away instantly. Seokjin came back, shoving all his things away before giving you another big smile. "Thank you for teaching me how to make bread scratch."

"Oh, it's nothing." You shook your head. "I hope you make some on your free time soon. You can always experiment with that recipe."

"I actually did!" Seokjin clasped his hands together as the two of you left the closet. "I texted our pâtissier about bread ideas. They suggested using rosemary and so I did! After whisking in the first half cup of flour, I tossed in some fresh chopped rosemary to make some baguettes."

"Rosemary baguettes?" You stared at him in awe. That already sounded so good. It was a simple recipe still, but you loved how Seokjin was playing with the recipe.

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