Appointments & Visits

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Daeho has been getting better when it comes to eating. He was paranoid a lot in the beginning. He would refuse to eat for as long as he possibly could before he realized he was starving himself. You had to be very persistent to make sure he ate at least three meals a day. Each meal was light, but you had to make sure he helped his own stomach. The poor boy was losing weight and he knew that wasn't good. He's already on the smaller side enough. When the two of you went into the doctor to get a check-up, Dr. Jeong confirmed that Daeho is underweight which can happen. You explained what had been going on with Daeho's hesitance to eat and you were able to relax a bit when Dr. Jeong said that it was common. Daeho was only struggling with some anxiety from the trauma.

It wasn't relaxing to know Daeho had anxiety, was hard to explain. Daeho remained quiet as Dr. Jeong told you a lot of information about celiac disease and what can happen psychologically after a gluten attack. It was a lot to handle, but you did your best to keep up. Dr. Jeong even gave you a pamphlet and recommended a couple websites. You're going to do so much better this time! You're going to read about it and you've already worked on replacing all your cooking supplies. It was hell since you owned so much stuff, but you're making your apartment gluten free. Anything to make Daeho comfortable in your home. Cross contamination is the last thing you want to happen. Luckily his flare ups from touching your old cooking equipment weren't bad. He only felt tingly and light rashes, but you weren't risking anything.

Thanks to all your efforts, Daeho was trusting himself to eat again. He was slowly healing physically these past three days. The only issue that's been making you worried is exactly what Dr. Jeong brought up. Psychologically. Daeho acts different and you weren't sure what to make of it. Was his past self just a mask and now he's showing his true self? Or did the gluten attack change something? It's been making it hard for you to sleep peacefully. Your bad habits haven't disappeared. Even right now in the doctor's office, you were picking at the dry skin on your hands. Getting rid of scabs and you were upset with yourself, but you couldn't help it. You washed your hands too much've also been hiding your hands from Seokjin.

What were you supposed to do? Show him that you're a freak with no control? No, you've shown him enough. It's a miracle he still stays by your side and calls himself your friend. You don't deserve him. Not that he would be flattered by your current thoughts. He'd probably tell you that you're awesome too or whatever positive nonsense he always manages to spit out. At least thinking about him makes you feel better. Giggling to yourself, you tried to stay quiet as you waited in the doctor's office. Dr. Jeong had taken Daeho out for a quick evaluation. He might be needing extra medication if anything does come out from this. It was making you nervous and it was obvious by the sight of your hands.

"I have to leave in about ten at most, so don't try kicking me out already." Seokjin laughed as he placed his coat back on the rack.

"Right, sorry." You had a tight smile on your face.

Seokjin was visiting after work like he had promised. He came by to eat some dinner with you and Daeho and of course, see how Daeho was doing. The two talked together in your room for some period of time. Eventually Seokjin tucked Daeho into bed and treated the boy like a baby. The teenager only told the older to shut up. Aside from that, everything seemed like it had been going well. Daeho is attempting to take little walks around the living room in the morning to get his body to wake up with him. He was doing light exercising, but only because you insisted on it. Still though, you're glad he does it to begin with. The boy was trying which was one thing that eased your concerns. You just get worried so easily and it shows.

"Let's just watch some TV before we call it a night." Seokjin suggested. He casually walked over to your couch, letting his body fall onto the cushions. You stayed stiff by the door, but you had to snap yourself out of it. Everything's okay. Everything's fine. You forced your legs to move and for them to bring you over to the couch successfully. As soon as you were by the couch, your knees gave in and you were sitting down next to him. "Everything okay, (F/n)?" Seokjin looked at you, his attention away from the TV.

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