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Love? Is he a grandma!? That's the stupidest ingredient you ever heard! The most pointless one that will never add anything to a meal. If you made chocolate and swapped sugar with salt, people would hate it regardless whether you added love in it or not. It's like he wanted to get on your nerves. Délice wasn't making chocolate chip cookies and feeding them to children with immature taste buds! Does Seokjin even understand the reputation Délice is known for? Jackson must have chosen Seokjin to be head chef just to annoy you. The two of you have such a disparity in cooking methods. He's more relaxed and goes with feelings. That's where mistakes happen! One of these days, he's going to completely ruin a dish and get Délice shut down! Well, maybe that was an exaggeration, but you stand by it!

When he said that, you felt everything inside you crumble. You have to work under someone who lives so foolishly as to believe adding love does a thing. You had multiple complaints to make about Seokjin, but Jackson wasn't going to hear you out. You were left speechless and Daeho only snickered at your pain. Always with the snickers! You angrily marched away and continued to work. The first day of working under Seokjin was not going so well. Barely anything has happened yet you were already having a bad day. You just did your best to keep the kitchen running by the time the restaurant opened. You kept an eye on Daeho who was washing dishes slowly. He seriously needed to pick up the pace by the time lunch hour arrives. He's lucky today is Monday though.

The workday was long as always. It was nothing out of the usual to you. The only person it was bothering was your nephew. Daeho kept glancing at the clock and desperate for someone to enter his little washroom. He had questions to ask and his joints were beginning to ache. His patience was running thin, especially with how many dishes were getting sent to him. It was overwhelming him and it was ruining his dishwashing technique. Slowly, Daeho began to pay less attention to what you taught him to do. It was at that moment Jackson walked out of his office to check on the boy. It was Daeho's first time on the job so Jackson wanted to make sure everything was okay only to see Daeho barely scrubbing the dishes. Jackson's brows furrowed as he rushed to the boy, touching and checking the dishes already set on the drying wracks.

"Chestnut! What the hell? These sauté pans still have grease on them!" Jackson grabbed a pot. "You didn't even clean around the handle bolts. You can still see the burned cheese!"

"There's too many!" Daeho whined, begging for mercy. He couldn't take anymore dishes. It felt like an unending cycle to him that he couldn't escape. It hadn't even been one day yet his fingers were feeling tingly and his feet almost numb.

"You have to do it right, Chestnut." Jackson grabbed all the bad dishes and moved them back to the left table. Daeho felt his heart sink at the sight of the added dishes. The ones he poorly washed to begin with. Jackson sighed, not wanting to make Daeho's job harder but for the boy to get it right. "I'll ask the kitchen porter to help you out for a second. Then I'll give you a ten minute break to eat your lunch with your Imo."

"A break...yes..." Daeho grinned until he caught the time limit. "Wait, ten minutes? That's not enough to eat lunch!"

"We're a busy restaurant, Chestnut. We gotta work fast." Jackson shrugged. "Sometimes your Imo doesn't even take a break the entire day."

"Because she's crazy!!!" Daeho squeezed his sponge tightly, soapy suds dripping down his forearm.

"You'll be fine with ten minutes." Jackson turned around. "Just know I usually give my workers only five minutes!"

"This is bullsh—Agh!" Daeho tossed his sponge into the soapy water. Just as he was about to swear, water splashed back at him. He flinched and quickly spit into a trashcan. Dish water doesn't have a pleasant taste.

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