Not Mentally Ready

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You're pissed. Beyond pissed actually! This isn't fair in the slightest and you have so much to say! Nothing could be worse than this! Jackson is going to get quite the ear full once you enter his office! After all the years that you've worked for him, this is how he repays you!? This was the ultimate betrayal! It was hard to express how hurt you were by his actions. Ever since he's hired you, Jackson has kept you under his wing. He's always told you how grateful he was to have you a part of his staff. The two of you became close friends and you don't even have friends! You shake his hand without gloves now! That's so much improvement over the last three years and he takes it all for granted?

Just thinking about it makes you furious. Pecan retired recently and everyone celebrated his departure. They made a huge deal of it and you always knew this time would come. You would truly miss him, but you were ready to take on the position of head chef for him! It's not like anyone else in the kitchen could handle such a position! The annoying men you had to deal with have come and gone. You're practically the only one who's been working there the longest! And it's not even the fact that you've been working there longer, but also the fact that Jackson knows your work ethics by now! He knows how diligent you are and how badly you wanted to become head chef! Even Pecan knew it was your goal!

Over the past three years, Délice's kitchen staff has grown more lacking. Pecan did his best and now he's gone. You were certain that you could bring things back to the way they used to be. You'd be able to help Jackson in choosing who to hire and force everyone to take the job seriously. They shouldn't be serving food that tastes like it came from an easy bake oven! Délice deserves better that that! That's why you emphasized to Jackson to an annoying amount on how you would change everything! With strict rules, intense organization, and an iron fist ruling then this place could be a success! Perfection does exist.

Yet you were denied. Some other hooligan had been hired for the job. Someone else! It makes your blood boil just thinking about it. Why do they deserve the job? Scoffing to yourself, you stormed through the back entrance of Délice. Jackson is definitely not going to be prepared for the rant you have for him! You were screaming it the entire drive over and you're still not done letting off steam. Others in the kitchen were minding their own business. Once they saw you, they shivered and made sure not to make eye contact with you. They've learned that 'Peanut' is not the right nickname for someone like you. Bursting into Jackson's office, you watched the male jump in his desk. He dropped his phone with a heavy sigh. As soon as his eyes landed on you, you could tell he was predicting this reaction from you.

"How could you!?" You started off.

"Close the door, Peanut." Jackson pursed his lips.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" You shut the door. "I let it slide all the other times! Even in front of critics and health inspectors, but not this time! Right now really isn't the time!"


"The betrayal! The betrayal!" You hissed. "Does Pecan know you stabbed me in the back like this? Does he know that you didn't promote his favorite sous chef? I bet Pecan—"

"Pecan and I both came to this decision, (F/n)." Jackson raised his voice loudly. You froze right away to hear him say that. Pecan and him both did? How could that be—no. No, that made no sense. It felt as if your legs had turned into jelly at the executive chef's statement. Jackson sighed through his nose, the only one remaining calm. "Before Pecan retired, I asked him who he thought was fit to be head chef. I wanted his honest opinion and we both agreed that you weren't ready."

"I'm not r-ready?" You repeated. You couldn't feel anything as you paled. This was going to make you sick. "How—How could you guys say that? I'm the most qualified—!"

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