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Discovering the rats was your worst nightmare. It made it extremely hard to fall asleep when you got home. Instead of sleeping, you took the time to properly cleanse your house. It was a little early to call it spring cleaning, but that's fine. Cleaning shouldn't be a seasonal thing after all. You practically transformed your apartment by the time you were done with it. Daeho came home at eleven to see you tidying things up around the house. His first reaction was to sigh heavily and to convince you to go to bed. That clearly wasn't going to happen so he went into the bedroom to sleep. You were going to continue with your cleaning since you were almost done. Then again, you said that to yourself half an hour ago.

There were no signs of rats in your apartment. No cockroaches either which let you be relieved. You didn't know what you would do if you saw anything like that in your apartment. Instead of worrying about that, you put all your energy into distracting yourself with cleaning. Daeho came out again at one point, complaining that it was hard to breathe when the entire place smelling like disinfectant spray. Of course, you understood where he was coming from with the complaint. On the other hand, he could crack a window open to make it tolerable. The suggestion only made Daeho's glare on you get stronger. What's with that face?

When he retreated back into the room, you thought he had officially given up on you. It turns out that he was only calling for help. He came out of the room seconds later with a phone in his hands. Who did he have on the phone at this hour? You highly doubted it was anyone in your family. Mom and Dad gave up on your sister and you as well. Jiyoo practically disappeared, Haesung has no authority over you, Jackson can't stop you, You froze to hear Seokjin's gentle voice speaking through the phone. He was asking if you were okay and what exactly you were cleaning right now. Daeho looked bored but stayed to hold up the phone. Seokjin's way about handling the situation was a lot slower than Daeho would have liked. The two of you had a small conversation before Seokjin made you think logically to put a pause on your cleaning and go to bed.

Somehow Seokjin managed to convince you to put down the cleaning supplies. He told you that you've worked hard enough and that you must be tired. Seokjin even offered to help you finish cleaning on Sunday. He just kept saying things that made you listen to him as if by magic. Daeho was glad when you were finally tucking yourself into bed. He snickered to himself, muttering that he knew calling your boyfriend would work. You almost scolded the child for his lies. He's lucky that you were actually tired. With a huff, you closed your eyes and let yourself fall asleep for the last day of work. You're certain Saturday won't be too troublesome.

And to no one's surprise, Saturday came with a twist. Everyone showed up to work as normal without a clue of what was going to take place. Haesung and Daeho were hard at work to keep up with dish washing while Seokjin made sure everything was in check in the kitchen. Délice hadn't been opened for long when Jackson received a crucial phone call from the floor manager. Apparently, a health inspector was waiting for him out in the front. As soon as Jackson heard, he had to given everyone a heads up in the kitchen. He calmly set down the phone, stepping out of his office to smile at everyone in the kitchen. You placed a label on a container before staring at him in confusion.

"Is everything okay?" You questioned.

"Well..." Jackson had the strangest smile on his face. It wasn't natural in the slightest. The way he carried himself at the moment was completely unsettling. You had no idea why you found him so disturbing. Others in the kitchen began to notice him too. "The floor manager called and...we have a health inspector on our @ss!! All of you better be ready! Chef Kim, prepare yourself because this is going to be hell!!" He whisper yelled.

"W-We have an inspector?" Seokjin's eyes widened. Jackson didn't bother to respond to the male. He was stressing out and blocking any questions the chefs had for him. Seokjin pursed his lips as he watched Jackson walk out to the main floor of the restaurant. You bit your lip before making eye contact with Seokjin. The two of you had a knowing look. Yoongi took care of the rat problem last night. After Yoongi left, Seokjin and you did the regular rodent prevention routine around the kitchen. Délice was going to be in the clear no matter what.

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