Personal Question

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It's fair to say that Délice's reputation is taking some interesting turns. Having a full on brawl between the two rival executive chefs wasn't a good thing. Anyone could have predicted that to be a mess. The fortunate thing though was that it was mainly Amore taking most of the hits for what happened. People saw it as Jungkook entering unwelcomed territory and that he started it the second he harassed one of the waiters. Nothing leaves you happier than hearing that Jungkook is the creepy owner of Amore from people on the streets. To be honest though, a lot of saving Délice's reputation is mainly thanks to you. You were quick on your feet and worked with the dessert chef to create multiple little apology dishes to serve.

While you took care of pleasing the people with food, Seokjin eventually stepped out to talk to them. Something about the handsome head chef was able to charm the people. It was successful teamwork even though it did cost Délice a bit of money. Jackson should have thought of that before he went off shouting about his 'nuts' again. Thankfully, the floor manager and a couple of real waiters kicked out Jungkook. The male was banned unlike his sous chef who would be working here very soon. Taehyung seemed to prefer this place a lot more as he realized what true friendship was. He learned he wasn't a huge fan of Jungkook, but he still liked Jimin.

It became clear in that moment to the pink hair that he could no longer work under Jungkook. Just before Jungkook was officially out the doors, Taehyung stood up from his table to announce that he was quitting Amore. That also didn't help Amore's reputation as Jungkook acted like a wild animal getting dragged out. You watched the chaos from inside the kitchen as Seokjin got the dishwashers to finally come inside the kitchen. Things were calming down and Jackson's jaw had dropped open. Taehyung left Amore a lot quicker than he thought. Before the former sous chef knew it, Jackson engulfed Taehyung in a spine breaking hug as he called him Pistachio affectionately.

And that's how Taehyung now works at Délice. Daeho almost couldn't fall asleep when the two of you came home. He couldn't wait to finally work with all his close friends and family. Everyone was together now. Though you didn't show as much excitement like Daeho, you were thrilled too. Délice only felt like a second home due to how many hours you spent there, but now you had family there. It was one of the best feelings to have as you drove there for work. Daeho was loudly singing along to the radio, letting out his happiness in the only way he could during the ride.

Daeho was excited to see Taehyung in Délice's waiter uniform. The male was briefly trained yesterday since Jackson wanted to get him started right away. It looked like Taehyung would have no trouble going from a sous chef to waiter. He seemed to prefer it as he enjoyed interacting with people rather than staying in the back. Everything was turning out well it seems. Turning into the staff parking lot, you had to remind Daeho not to take off his seatbelt until your parked the car completely. He already had his gloved fingers hovering over the button. The second you put the car in park, he jumped out.

"I don't see his car!" Daeho whined.

"He'll be here soon but remember. Waiting staff enter through the front," You stated. His eyes widened to hear that last important fact. He groaned in frustration as he kicked the ground. You smiled at his small pout, thinking about how cute he is. He's going to see Taehyung no matter what so you knew he would be happy soon enough. The two of you eventually heard someone whistling softly. Your heads turned in the direction to see Seokjin had just finished parking his own car.

"Morning, family~!" Seokjin walked over with his coffee cup. Daeho gasped in delight, running over to hug the man.

"Morning, Appa!" Daeho smiled from ear to ear. There, he's happy.

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