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How were you supposed to relax after Daeho went to bed early? Seokjin didn't say anything when the male closed the door. Not even a goodnight left Daeho. Did he want to hide away the entire time his visitors were here? It didn't feel like it. He looked so happy and glowing when his friends were here. It felt like he was sunshine all over again. Now the hoodie was back on and the constant need to sleep. You thought things would turn out differently after the visit. Seokjin is staying over too and you really believed that it could work. You didn't know what exactly was wrong, but Daeho did look a bit nervous to see Seokjin staying over. It was the opposite reaction you thought he would give Seokjin.

There was no hiding anything. The second Daeho closed the door, Seokjin and you were quiet. Obvious tension and suspicion lingered in the air. You didn't know what to say. Was it your fault Daeho was acting like this? You had no answer. Glancing at Seokjin, you did your best to read him. The male's eyes were stuck on the bedroom door with a hard stare. It was hard to understand what he was thinking until you caught Seokjin frown for the quickest second. You instantly opened your mouth, but he beat you to the punch. Somehow Seokjin faced you with a smile but it wasn't as strong as it could have been. It wasn't one of your favorite dumb ones.

"Let's just watch a bit of TV by ourselves." Seokjin motioned towards the couch. "Give Daeho some time to fall asleep peacefully."

"But...all he does is sleep when it's just us." You stayed standing in your spot. Seokjin had walked off to the couch, trying to get comfortable and get worries off your mind. Though as he sank into the cushion, he knew this wasn't something you could easily overlook.

You had mentioned some of it to him when you visited. No one else knew but him. He's your best friend and you didn't know who else to talk to about this. Seokjin is the only person you fully trust in your entire life. With confidence, you can say you doubt you'll ever meet someone like Seokjin. The male stared at you with a small frown as you tried your best to speak. It was hard speaking your mind when you didn't even know what to think. You felt like you were failing Daeho and there was nothing you could do about it.

Playing with your fingers, you kept fumbling over your words. All you wanted was to make sense. Not only to Seokjin, but to yourself as well. Why didn't you have an answer? Things were falling apart and you had no control over any of it. You might as well crumble with it too. Your lips were trembling at this point, refusing to help you voice out anymore thoughts. Not that any of your thoughts were of any value. It was all a bunch of incoherent bullsh*t. Were you doing the wrong thing by pretending to be Daeho's mom? Bringing your hands up to your mouth, your shoulders bounced at the sharp pain that pierced through your heart. Tears were getting ready to leave until you felt Seokjin suddenly embraced you.

"I'm sorry..." Seokjin held you close, whispering softly. "I wish I had an answer." You carefully gripped the back of his shirt during the embrace. It was the only thing helping you from shedding any tears. Taking in Seokjin's scent, you told yourself to take deep breaths.

"Thank you for everything..." You sighed.

"You don't have to thank me." Seokjin chuckled lightly. His chest vibrated against you, making a small giggle slip out of you. Somehow you could always remember how to smile again with Seokjin. "Come on. Let's just sit and watch TV. We'll talk to Daeho tomorrow morning since he's already had a lot happen today."

"Okay, that sounds good." You nodded your head. The two of you didn't have a clear solution, but it was a step forward. You were comfortable taking it together with Seokjin. Pulling away from the hug, you let him bring you over to the couch. He treated you gently as the both of you sat down.

Right away, you brought your knees up to your chest. Seokjin turned on the TV as you wrapped your arms around your legs. Curling up into a ball was helping calm your nerves just a tad. With Seokjin in charge of the TV remote, you let him choose whatever he wanted. Not that he did anything with it. The television was on the only channel it has been on for months now. It was on the cooking channel that Daeho always seemed to watch. Rather than watch people cook, you'd want to do it yourself. Seokjin must have felt the same way. The both of you stared at the screen with disinterest. Despite not enjoying the show, the channel never changed. Seokjin and you continued barely watching it for some odd reason.

Don't Forget Love || Seokjin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now