Chapter 169

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I do now own pic!

"I'm home", Itachi said taking his shoes off then entering the house, strangely he didn't hear your voice welcoming him back as usual, or Tatsu running to his arms.
He narrowed his eyes advancing more inside the house looking for you two, it wasn't long when he found you, you were both in the yard taking care of some herbs and flowers, as you never seemed to notice his presence.
"Hey [name], Tatsu...", Itachi said with a smile walking towards you, still there was no reaction from any of you, aren't you hearing him? What's going on? You keep talking to your son about the leaves of a plant while Tatsu is listening to you, totally ignoring Itachi's presence...
"[NAME]?! TATSU!!", he yelled your names as worry started overwhelming him, what's going on? Why you're acting like he doesn't exist? He is standing right beside you, yet none of you seem to notice him.

"That's how things have been always, you were never truely there with them, you are just an intruder..."

A familiar voice coming from a unknown source said to Itachi making him flinch slightly, who is this?! And how the he*l does 'he' dare to say this to him?!
He looked around seeing no one in there, [name] and Tatsu are still don't seem to notice him or even the strange voice, he is sure this is not genjutsu!!
He was out of patience and very confused...

[Name]!!", he called loudly, trying to shake you, but his hand went through your body as if it was just a hologram, or rather...he was a ghost or a phantom...
"You don't deserve to be with them, they are fine and happy without you...just go...leave them alone..."
Itachi gritted his teeth as he clutched his hands into fists, this keeps annoying him and getting on his nerves, and the worst part is that he feels like he knows the one talking very much but he strangely can't remember who!! How did he get here in the first place!! And where is this voice coming from?! Not even with his Sharingan he can figure it out...

He closed his eyes tight trying to concentrate, the moment he opened them...the place has changed, in a bed way....
He found himself at the Uchiha clan district, alone, everyone is dead as the bodies scattered randomly in the area...he is the one who killed them he knows that, he throw the kunai covered in blood that was in his hand opened an old wound he tried hard to get over.
'Where is [name]?'
He walked though the streets as the smell of blood filled the place...he was just going to his parents' house, his feet were taking him there on their own, but he stopped in his tracks at once when he noticed something on the ground, a very familiar hairpin...a kanzashi flower on the ground dipped in a pool of blood, that's yours!!!
He hurried there and bent down taking the pretty lavender fabric flower that turned red from blood in his hand, where are you [name]?! What happened?! weren't there when he killed them...he didn't kill you!!
"[Name]?!...", he called looking around, he knows this is gonna be useless...the one who attacked you or maybe killed you, of course will not just let you come to Itachi.
"[NAME]!! [NAME]!!", he called over and over again desperately, he still doesn't know what's going on or what's happening, but he wanted to know where are you and what happened to you, to Tatsu...


He called loudly finally waking up from this nightmare, he was panting heavily as sweat covered his body and run down his face, was it all just a dream?
"Itachi sweetheart are you okay?! What is it?!", he looked at your face as you held his cheek in your plam, with an over worried look in your eyes as you looked at him, while your hair fell loose on his chest and on the mattress.
"Itachi you have been turning and tossing during your sleep, you looked very uncomfortable, I tried to wake you up...what is it darling?", you asked him gently, holding his face in your hands as he sat up in his place, still breathing irregularly as he was looking down lost in thoughts...if he stays with and Tatsu will end up in a destiny similar to what happened to the Uchiha clan...that's the meaning if his dream.

"Itachi?...please tell me what is it?", you asked more worriely as you took his hand in yours making him look at your face.
'I will never let that happen...and I will never leave her...I can't!!!', he thought to himself as his eyes roamed your face, "I dreamt that someone took you away from me...", he said briefly in low voice still looking in your eyes, as you remained silent for a while before pulling him into a tight hug which he gladly returned, he held tight on you...he took a deep breath of your, it is not the same smell of blood and death he sensed in the dream, it is a sweet and lively smell.

"You know it us just a dream, no such thing will ever probably dreamt about it because you have left us a while ago and you just got back from Konoha...", you said gently stroking his long black hair...
'She is right...', he thought to himself as he rested his cheek on your shoulder finally starting to calm down, being at Konoha with Sasuke brought back so many good memories...but also bad ones, the Uchiha clan is still have been massacred by him, his parents will never be back, the truth has been revealed but there are things that can't be changed...and the idea of taking you and Tatsu there for a visit, gave him that same feeling...that he will lose his family again...
"Just the idea of losing you makes me sick...and crazy...", he said lowly as you sighed, where did this all come from now? You had just fallen asleep after spending a lovely time together...

"Itachi sweetheart, you will not lose me or Tatsu, I'm now stronger than you have ever known me, nothing bad will happen...", you said with a smile as he lifted his head off of your shoulder and looked at you again with a slow nod.
"Alright, you stay here and I will go prepare something warm for you to drink to help you calm down...we will talk about this later, I will be right back", you said with a smile, taking a night robe and putting it on quickly then left the room and headed downstairs leaving Itachi alone in the room, he sighed deepily as he rubbed his forehead, he surely made you worried, but that nightmare really made a mess inside of him.

He grabbed his black kimono and put it on then left the room, he walked to Tatsu's room and opened the door quietly and turned the bedside light on, the little child was sleeping deeply as the blanket was off his upper body. Itachi walked up to him and pulled it over his body covering him well then sat beside him and observed him deepily, he gently passed his hand through his silky dark black hair, as Tatsu didn't to even feel his father's touch. You climbed the staircase heading to your room looking for Itachi, when you stopped and changed your direction to Tatsu's room seeing the light coming from it.
"Itachi, let's go to our room, you still need to rest...", you said calmly with a smile holding the mug full of warm herbs tea, standing beside Itachi who was sitting beside Tatsu's bed, he looked at you and nodded as he then kissed his son and stood up, you two then left Tatsu's room and walked together back to your bedroom.

"How do you feel now?", you asked Itachi as he laid in bed after drinking the herbs tea you made for him, he seems better, and also sleepy as the hot drink started to take its effect.
"Good, I'm really fine now...anyway love, come here now and sleep, you also need some rest", he said with a smile patting the spot next to him, you smiled and got in your place beside him, feeling happy as he snuggled to you and closed his eyes, falling asleep shortly after as you then turned off the lights and slept as well.

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