Chapter 131

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A month had passed since that incident...and still, no sign for Itachi or even a slight hint of what happened to his body, things were so calm as always.

"[NAME]!! I CAME TO SEE YOU!! OPEN THE DOOR!!", you groaned opening your eyes at this, Akane, what's bringing her now?! You thought no one knows you're here! And how did she know you live here now?
"I'm sorry [name], I told her about you and that you're sick so I thought that maybe a little company would make things a bit better, it's not good for you to stay all the time alone and crying, also, you can't keep hiding all the time", lady Noriko explained with a small smile, trying to justify this as she then headed to open the door for the hyperactive girl.

"[name]!! You here all the time and I have been looking for you! Look! I even brought you your favorite meal!!", Akane said as she waggled her eyebrows with a large grin on her face, receiving only a weak fake smile from you as you thanked her in a low tired voice.
"Come on, don't give me that look, I know [name] is strong and a very smart person, you can't let anything makes you that sad! Lady Noriko didn't tell me everything though, just that your hottie husband you didn't tell me about isn't here and that you are very sick, but come on, it's not the end of the world, we can still go out and hang out, eat food and laugh, like before when we were kids!!", she said trying to cheer you up as you left out a small laugh.

"I don't think I will, I'm tired and I kinda look like a zombie now, I don't wanna scare children outside please", you said with a sigh, slightly clutching on your blanket.

"Scare? You're kidding me right? [name]! have you taken a look at yourself in the mirror recently?", she asked raising an eyebrow crossing her arms over her chest, "I know you are so humble and sweet [name], but this is the truth, you're so beautiful, Give me the secret of beauty!", she said with a smirk nudging you with her elbow, while you were still clueless what does she mean, you really have been avoiding to look at yourself in the mirror recently...
"Well I have been sick and sad for a while, that's the secret", you said jokingly, thinking she is only trying to cheer you up, making her sigh then say: "alright then, [name], keep your secrets, I have to go back to work now, I will be back later to see you again and you better be fine soon so we can go out, and enjoy your meal", she said as she stood up ready to leave, you thanked her for her visit then laid back in your place as she left.

You were just stating at the ceiling while lady Noriko was in the kitchen preparing lunch for the two of you, you thought about what Akane said, actually feel better, your muscles and bones don't hurt you much now, you don't totally rely on lady Noriko to walk now, even if you can't walk for long distances you still can get up and head to the bathroom on your own, you can even climb the staircase if you take it slowly.
You carefully stood up from your place, you headed to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror...your skin isn't so pale as before, the dark circles around your eyes are almost gone, your hair, you passed a hand through it, only few hairs in your hand unlike before where there were entire locks falling out, what's happening now?

"[Name]?", the lady called for you as she didn't you find you in your place when she came bringing you lunch, but then she smiled seeing you entering the room.

"I'm here my lady", you said calmly, a little rare smile appearing on your lips, [name] the girl who has been always smiling and spreading hope though others, now rarely manages to smile, but still...this was a good sign.
"Is everything okay?", she asked putting the try beside your futon and walking to you, taking your hand in hers and walking you back to your place.
"I'm fine, I'm getting better, thank you!", you said with some happiness in your voice as she helped you sit down and put the tray on your lap.

"Really? Hm...I can look more lively than before", she said as you nodded looking at the food in front of you.

"I guess...that medicine is finally giving its effect", you said looking at her with eyes full of hope, "maybe it will do the same with Itachi", you added with some excitement in your voice, it seems you still didn't give up and lose hope, as she smiled kindly at you, but still she had some words to tell you.

"[Name] sweetheart, gives us things and takes took your parents and gave you me, it took your beloved husband but it gave you a child from him, whether Itachi is alive or not is not what you have to focus on right now, I know you might not like what I say but please [name], think wisely, you did all you can and more for him, if he is alive, he will be back, but please dear, don't put yourself through more risks, focus more on restoring your health and smile, focus on your baby, it needs you so much now, don't let it down, and never regret anything you have done sweetie, don't regret your relationship with Itachi or the sacrifices you have done, everything happens for a reason, even if we don't know it", she said gently tucking a stand of hair behind your ear, did she read your brain and knew you were planning to go after Itachi again?

She is right, now, it will be so foolish of you to go out risking, she is right, if he alive, he will be back on his own, why will you go after him again? Especially in your state, what will you do anyway? Even if you find the one who took his body, if you meet Sasuke, will you able to fight like before? Even if you recover your health, you're still pregnant, you should put this in mind.
"You're right my lady, I will not go anywhere out of this village...I promise...", you said, finally giving up and looking down at your belly, and placing a hand on it, thinking of your baby.

"Alright then, now you should eat, it will be best for you and for the child", she said with a smile looking at your hand on your belly, you looked at her with a smile and nodded.

"I will be a boy", you said with a bigger smile as she tilted her head.

"And how do you know?"

"I saw a dream about him, like I've seen the dream about his father, I have also seen this house before Itachi even surprised me with it", you said a little sadness mixed with your smile as you said this, the lady nodded smiling and nodding at you then said:"well, maybe you're right, but still we will do a checking soon, now eat then take a rest, you're still weak", she said gently as you nodded and then started eating your food.

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