Chapter 161

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"You're back", Itachi said smiling at you as you joined him and Sasuke and Tatsu, you just gave him and eye-closed smile as you handed Tatsu the shark toy, then decided to enjoy the rest of te festival events.
You were back home after a long night of fun outside, Sasuke went straight to sleep as you put an already sleeping Tatsu in his bed and tucked his little shark toy beside him, as he seemed to get very attached to it from the first time you have given to him.

You walked in your room to find Itachi already changed into something comfortable, he smiled as soon as he saw you walking to him after closing the door, you gently wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him, it is late, but you seem sleepy already.

"Sweetheart...", he said calmly, cupping your face in his palms, hopefully what he is gonna tell you next will not upset you.
"yes Itachi?", you responded, sensing that there is something he has to say.
"Sasuke will go back to Konoha the day after tomorrow...", he trailed off, he seemed a bit bothered saying this, maybe because his brother is leaving now after they have finally met each other.
"I know you want him to stay more, but it is okay, he will be back again whenever he wants", you said with a smile, seeing him smiles back a little bit at your response.
"[name], I will be going back with him"

As he said this, you remained silent, unable to say something else, did he just say he is going back to Konoha with Sasuke? Didn't he say he wants to stay here and live peacefully with you and...
What changed now? What's about you and Tatsu?
"Before you misunderstand me [name], let me explain", he said noticing the look on your face, he knows these words would open an old wound, but his leave this is not like before, he will be back.
"I will only go to the leaf to put things into their right places, I will let them know I'm alive and also, expalin your situation sweetheart, after all the hidden leaf is also our home", he said with a smile, trying to lighten up the mood, yet feeling uncomfortable about your silence as you just stared at his eyes with your already teary ones.
Why so soon? It's been merely two months since he came back, and now he is already going to the leaf, after all what happened, he couldn't just stay a little bit more until the pain in your heart still miss him!!! You haven't even spend much time with him!!!

"You go then", you said quietly, retreating your arms back from around his neck, you can't keep running after him constantly, you can't keep expressing your love to him and telling how much you need him, he already knows all this, you explained to him everything and how you feel, you are tired of this, if he wants to head back to his village, if he wants to break the promises again, you will not hold him back, he is a fully grown man and you can't keep forcing him into this relationship, he also needs to work for it, not with just words but with deeds.
He never said he will leave you, but your brain thought of this subconsciously, you're still afraid what happened would repeat again.
"I go? That's all? Tell me what are you thinking, love", he said worriedly, not quite satisfied with your short brief answer, he knows from your eyes, there is a lot going inside that head of yours.
"I have nothing else to say, you do what's right for you, but at least make sure to tell Tatsu why are you going this time...I'm tired of explanations and being left behind to deal with the results of what you do Itachi", you said with a frown looking aside surprising him, he bite his lip as he knew he blew up your plans for the night, you're upset now, and even the previous funny time you've spent earlier at the festival is now ruined...

"It is not like what you think [name], I'm not leaving you again! I have to go there for a one day or two at the most, the way there is long so I will take some days to get there then head back here, but you should never think now I'm gonna do the same mistake, I still put you and Tatsu on top of my priorities", he said caressing your cheek gently with his fingers.
"I got enough of talking Itachi...I need acts and deeds to prove that...I don't know...I'm afraid that the next thing you are gonna do is to sacrifice yourself again for Konoha, but I can't promise I will save you again, I...will not save you even if I can", you said shaking your head and looking him in the eyes, seeing the confused look in them.
"[name]?! What's wrong with you??!! Wasn't it you who told me to go visit Sasuke and the hidden leaf?! You're so contradicted with yourself!!", he said in a high pitched voice, apparently starting to get mad at your twisted thinking, and your negativity and constant doubts, that's not [name] he knows, the lovely and supportive one.

"I know!!! I know okay?!!! But you're leaving so soon!! I still didn't get enough of you! I still make sure I'm not dreaming and check the spot beside me every time I wake up!! I said you should go there but at least let it be after a while, Itachi I really...", you trailed off with some tears, you know he is right, it was you who suggested on him to go and pay them a visit, but when the time had come for it...that old wound stated to itch again, and those memories flow back in your head, making you regret what you said...

"I want to go now since I'll get Sasuke's company through the way and even in the hidden leaf, the right time will never come if I just keep waiting for it, it's either I go now when I'm willing to and Sasuke is here or just forget about it", Itachi said firmly as you looked aside avoiding an eye contact with him.
"Then you go...I've already told you this", you said quietly, but this seemed to make Itachi lose his patience more and more, he wants to go, he expected you to be a little bit sad about it and understand, but you're actually making things hard for him.
"And then you will he mad at me and blame me for it for quite some months later!", he said in an angry voice, not noticing himself as he grabbed you by the arms and pulled you closer to him suddenly, startling you.
"Itachi! It is not my fault I can't trust you again!! I told you I need time to heal! And since you're in a rush then go! I'm not holding you back! Be back if you want!! It is up to you now to strenghten this relationship or just let be the poor way it is, I can't keep fixing everything and filling up the holes you make! You should take responsibility toward me and your child!! Stop making excuses! Just...just-", you said bursting out not able to hold back anymore, poor relationship? You call and even think your marriage and love...a poor relationship?
"ENOUGH [NAME]!! WHAT'S THIS NOW? WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO US??!", Itachi cut you off with his loud voice, his grip on your arms getting tighter, as if he wanted to wake you up and make you realize what you are saying.
You just looked at him silently, as his face was so close, you can tell he was angry...but he was more sad and hurt than angry.

"It wouldn't matter to you what I want, would it?", you asked, your tears starting to slide down your cheeks, his eyes widened in surprise, you still don't want to end this empty talk?

"No", he answered, in a stern voice narrowing his eyes, his answered surprised you as you didn't expect it, his mood really changed now...

"Because whether you like it ot not, I'm not leaving again, that's it, you're stuck with me for the rest of your life, [name]", he added as his eyes softened as he watched your crying eyes.

"Enough...", he whispered as he pulled you to his chest, tightly and strongly, burying his face in your hair, feeling your hands clutch on his shirt as you hugged him back, none of you can ignore the fact can no longer live without each other, you can't be mad at each other, you belong to each other.

"I'm not making excuses my love...I'm not like what you think...I changed...I'm not taking advantage of you...and if I ever made you think this, I'm sorry, forgive me...", he said in a smooth soft voice, as he gently passed his hand through your hair as you laid your head on his chest letting out some tears wet his shirt...
"I have to go there, but I will be back for sure...I promise, you don't have to believe me now but I will prove to you that I love you and I will be back to you and to my son...", he added as you nodded slowly, clutching more on his shirt making him smile slightly.
"I'm so sorry Itachi...I know I keep being a drama queen...I even ruined your happiness to be back to your village, but...I just love you so much and I will not be able to handle being away from you again...", you whispered as you lifted your head off of his chest as he looked down at your eyes wiping thoese tears away from them.
"I can't either...[name], get out of your head all those ideas telling you I'll leave you and I don't love you enough, [name] I will be back so soon, we will live together a long happy life, you will have bunch of annoying children from me that you might even regret marrying me, we will grow up together that we might even share the same glasses to read books, [name]...", he said smiling, pulling you closer as you finally smiled, and wrapped your arms again around his neck.

"I will never regret being with you Itachi, I'm sorry for all what I said...I didn't mean it" you said as he nodded at you.

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