Chapter 142

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"What's about your brother?"


Itachi looked at your face, from the look on it, he knows you're not so excited to meet his brother, after was him who killed Itachi...
"He doesn't know I'm here, I checked on him a while before I get back, he is fine and I guess he found someone and started a family...back when the reanimation jutsu has been activated I explained to him everything, so he doesn't consist a threatening to us anymore, he is back to the leaf...", Itachi said as he looked at his cup of tea as you just looked at him.
"You don't want to see him? Face him and tell him you're alive? Get back to the leaf?", you asked in a serious voice, putting your cup down and crossing your arms over your chest, and focusing on what he is gonna say next.
"No, Sasuke is fine the way he is, and I'm back here you and to my son, I did everything I can for the leaf and for Sasuke, I sacrificed everything for them, now that I'm given a second chance, I will live it for myself and for my family", Itachi said softly, really not wanting to say something that might upset you.

'You did sacrifice everything for them...even our love...'

"It hurts...", you said with a sad smile, looking aside as if you were talking to yourself.
"What is it?", Itachi asked confused, he knows it had something to do with what happened in  the past...
"It hurts how despite everything I did, and everything I was willing to do, I wasn't part of your priorities Itachi, I was the least important thing to you, I was the sacrifice...I was meant to die...", you said with a said look on your face, as you sighed and looked at him, seeing the shock on his face, and some anger.
"Not true!!", he said in a high pitched voice, not caring about the people around looking at you two, he is okay with you blaming him or even hitting him for what happened, you have right to be mad at him, but doubting your place in his heart?! His love for you?! No!!!
"What you did proves the exacte left me in the end, you changed your mind in the last second not to kill me, on the other hand you sacrificed yourself for Sasuke, you did everything for the safely of leaf but didn't hesitate to just leave me suddenly, exposed to all kinds of threatenings, even during the reanimation didn't even bother to come and tell me what's happening or at least make a sign...send a crow maybe? Tell me why did you go", you said calmly, biting your lip, as Itachi seemed to calm down, you're so hurt and sensitive right now, what should he do? He should let you take it all out and contain you, and surrounds you with his love and care again, and fix what he broke.

"No love, things aren't like this, I didn't have choices, I didn't want you to get more involved...and even during the reanimation jutsu, it was too complicated and there was no time and...what would I tell you? I'm dead? love listen, I knew you're strong and you will...", he trailed he couldn't choose the right words...
"You knew I will get over it so you got into a deadly fight with your brother, how selfish of you Itachi", you said shaking your head, it was a mistake, nothing he will say will justify it, he shouldn't have ignored your presence...

"[name], I didn't leave you exposed to menaces, I taught you everything I know to defend yourself and-", he said, before you cut him off.
"Enough lame excuses Itachi, enough...stop trying to justify your mistakes and just...admit them...", you said with a heavy sigh, this conversation is only making things worse, he is back now, and he seems honest about being sorry...and here you are blaming him for or over and over again...
"I'm sorry...that's all I can say for now [name], but I promise, I will make you forget what happened and make you happy again...", Itachi said smiling as he took your hand in his again, and gently caressed it.
"Itachi listen, as I told you before, I love you so much, maybe to a point you can't imagine, that's why I keep blaming you for what happened, because my love for you caused me so much pain, but I still want you, and I don't see myself with anyone else besides you Itachi, I have no control over my heart...I will still fall for you over and over again, and I will just let myself be yours again, but Itachi, please, don't hurt me or Tatsu again, I will not be strong enough to handle it again...", you said looking at his hand holding yours, then back at him with few droplets of tears in them.
"I take responsibility for what I said [name], I will make it up to you, to Tatsu, and I will...make a new start with you...we will continue from where we had stopped, we will have the life we have dreamt of...I promise you my love...", he said, lifting your hand up to his lips and kissing it a warm long kiss.
"You better keep that one promise this time...", you said with a small smile, as you wiped your tears away, slightly blushing at the gesture.
"I will", he said confidently, looking up at you with a beautiful eyes.

"Itachi...", you called his name after a moment of silence with a cute pout on your face.
"Yes love?", he hoped you're not still mad ag him.
"The rosebush in our garden, its roses aren't white or red, they are yellow, and you promised to get me a one that gives red roses in case that one isn't", the rosebush, he remembers...
"I will get you one so soon", he said with a beautiful smile and a nod as you smiled back, then gasped slightly as you looked at the clock.
"Well, we have talked a lot and didn't notice the time passing quickly, I will head back home now and you wait for Tatsu then come home with him together please, he will be free a little while later", you said standing up and placing the money on the table, both for yours and Itachi's drinks.
"Alright...[name]?", you turned around, but before you can say anything you have been pulled into a tight hug by Itachi, he wrapped his arms strongly around you, as you gasped slightly and blushed, but then smiled and hugged him back.
"Thank you...", Itachi whispered, as he slowly pulled back and cupped your face in his palms, from a secret relationship into this? Such a progression, it seems Itachi wants the others to know, that he is back and you are his, that you belong to him, and that he is the father of the cute little Tatsu.

"Welcome...", you smiled at him as he nodded, as you two then left the cafe together.

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