Chapter 101

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It was evening, you have been in your room putting on a beautiful yet simple purple kimono adorned with flower patterns, he must come soon, you quickly finished your preparations then headed downstairs, and just then you heard Noriko talking to someone, that's him!
As expected it was Itachi, and he was apparently asking about you and having a little talk with the old lady, he looks so handsome in his dark grey kimono and his black haori jacket.
"Alright, there she is", the lady said with a smile as you neared downstairs, then walked up to Itachi.
"Alright, we will go now", he said with a small nod, taking your hand in his as you smiled and waved to the lady, while she nodded, smiling back as she then closed the door after the two of you headed out.

"It is not very cold tonight, right?", you said looking at the moon in the sky while walking with Itachi through a street, enjoying the sounds of the villagers and the kids playing around.
"Yeah, it's nice, your scarf looks good on you", Itachi said smiling as he noticed the beautiful piece of cloth around your neck as you thanked him. You noticed Itachi was carrying a bag of food, apparently to have some thing to eat at your destination, you wanted to ask him so badly what is his surprise and where are you two going, but then decided not to, after all you will know soon.

Itachi walked through the streets of the village in a way that he seemed  to know the place very well, he took a path that leads to the farthest side of the village, where there is less people and movement around.
"We are going to the place we went to on the festival night that other time, right?", you asked as you could already tell where he was going, taking a look back, you can see yourself getting away from the pretty lights in the center of the village.
"Yes, there...", he looked at your face under the moonlight with a smile as he gently squeezed your hand in his as you nodded. You continued walking more, there were few houses scattered around the place here and there, there was grass and trees all over the place, you continued to walk the path leading you to a house located a bit away from the rest of the others, a beautiful medium sized traditional styled house with a stony fence surrounding it and a closed gate, you stopped walking, it was the end of the path, and of course, you are not gonna break in.

"Come on, [name]...", you heard Itachi call your name as he took your hand and walked with you toward the gate.
"Itachi? We are not going to break in, right?!", you ask him in a worried voice as he shook his head no, then looked at you after opening the external gate, "no [name], we will not".
He said this while he was already entering, he didn't wait for you to say something else as he took your hand and pulled you with him, and entered the yard of the house, then walking toward the front door of the building about to open it when you stopped him.
"Itachi?! Tell me what are you doing? And why are we here?", you asked as he smiled, he then switched on a nearby button, turning on the lights and lanterns outside in the garden, lightening it in a beautiful calm glow, while you quickly turned around taking a look around you...why does this place seems so pretty and...familiar?!

"[name], this...will be our home, of course if you wanted it to", you quickly turned to Itachi to see him smiling gently at you, your home?!
"Itachi...I'm...", you were so confused what to, when, why...
"Come on, we will take look around inside as well...", he said, unlocking the front door and entering with you, as he turned on the lights.
You were silent, you looked around at the know the reception room is on your left, you entered it and slid the shoji screen on the outer side, to find the koi fish pond in that part of the garden as you expected, you closed the door and walk in again and now you headed to the kitchen, you know this kitchen...there is another room in the back, the stairs surely leads to four ooms, wait...this house is...
It's the same house you have seen in your dream the night of the festival when you had fallen asleep with Itachi, this is where you have seen the familiar little child...the only difference is that it was morning in your dream unlike now that it's night, and that's why you have gotten confused.

"So what do you think [name]? You like it?", you turned to Itachi to see him standing behind you with a smile watching you as you have been now out in the garden looking at it under the moonlight and the lanterns lights..
"Itachi...its beautiful, so beautiful ...", you didn't know what to say exactly, tell him that you have seen this in your dream? Maybe later...for now, enjoy the moment.
"That was my surprise for you...", Itachi said smiling as you just looked into his eyes, "when we came here last time I looked around and...", he continued but you weren't focused on the details he was telling you, it didn't matter very much, all that matter is that he is with you now, here in this place, home.
His talk was interrupted by a hug from you, a tight hug that he was glad to return, wrapping his arms around you lovingly and closing his eyes with a smile on his face as you buried your face in his chest.
"Thank you Itachi, it is so beautiful" you whispered, feeling some tears forming in your eyes.
You pulled back after a while, you smiled brightly at him, as you then looked around again at this beautiful garden, at this beautiful house.
This was his surprise for you...

"[name], I know it is a bit strange to do this now, since we are both still in the Akatsuki and we can barely have time for ourselves now, but I wanted you to know what I want for us, how I see our future together...", Itachi said calmly caressing your face gently with his hand as you smiled warmly at him and said:"you don't need to explain anything Itachi, I know that we are in a messed up state now, but that doesn't mean we stop dreaming right? It doesn't mean we stop planning our future and thinking of ways to make it better".
"You understand me, [name]", he said softly, pulling you into another hug as you just said a faint yes, leaning your head on his chest, closing your eyes for a moment, trying to enjoy every minute of this.

"Well...since we have gotten this far, since I love you, since we both want a better future for us...", he said in a sweet and calm voice, pulling back from the hug, but still close to you, as you looked directly into his eyes and waited for what he was going to say next...
"[name], I already told you...we are not in a good state to settle down for now, things might get tougher but also might get easy for us through time, but there is one thing for sure...I love you, I love you so much, and I really, really want to strengthen our relationship, the bond between you and me, [name]...even if we are not ready for a physical relationship now, but I really want you...I need you by my side, always", you were listening silently to his words, he is so sweet, and his know each of it was coming from the bottom of his heart, he meant every word of it...

"I feel the same toward you Itachi, I love you, and I will do anything to make you happy, to make us have a better life together...we have known each other for a long while now...", you said with a gentle and warm smile blushing at his words, he watched you with a smile as well, that's what he wants to hear, that's what makes him feel alive, the need for you.
"For this, [name], my love, I have a question to ask you...", he said, as his hand went under his haori jacket looking for something, before he pulled it out, holding a small but beautiful shiny ring...

"[name]...would you be my wife?"

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