Chapter 26

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"Oh no! It's pulling me down!", you screamed looking down, seeing that even the ground at your feet had transformed into something like quicksand. Two swirls of quicksand moving under each of your feet, making it easier for the hands to pulls you down and harder for you to stay above.

"What?!", Kisame exclaimed looking worriedly at the trap you have fallen into.
"Kisame! Don't get distracted! Head for the other spider, we need to kill it fast before something else appears!", Itachi yelled at his partner، already heading toward the giant monster that was coming at your direction, with shurikens in his hands.
"And what's about [name]?! We can't just leave her behind!!", Kisame said while taking his sword and following his partner toward the spider to get rid of it.
"We will save her, but we need to get rid of this one, Now!!", Itachi said more of an order, focusing on the giant spider.

You have been watching this trying to resist as long as you can the hands that were pulling you down. You hoped they kill it fast and come help you before you're totally underground, especially now that your feet had completely disappeared under the sand along with those hands. You squeaked out of shock and fear as you felt someone holds you from behind, trying hard to pull you back up again, but looking at this one from your shoulder, you saw...Itachi? But he is right there with Kisame fighting that spider! Is this...a clone of him?
"Don't worry...I'm a clone...", the closer Itachi told you, putting more effort to pull you up, successfully managing to get your feet up the ground again, yet the hands were still holding a tight grip on your ankles, that gotten even tighter to the point that it started to hurt a little too much.

Real Itachi jumped high in the air, throwing his weapons at the spider's eyes blinding it like the previous one, making it let out a loud screeching sound falling on its side with a loud thud then flipping on its back, tossing around from pain. Kisame quickly finished it off with a final blow from his sword separating its head from the rest of its body.

Soon after the second spider has been killed, both Kisame and Itachi hurried to you, the shark-like man smirked in amusement seeing that Itachi had already left a clone with you to help you out and didn't leave you alone, it was a clever move by the Uchiha, even if the hands tried to grip his feet as well the clone will just disappear and Itachi will knew about it and act quickly.
"[name], stay calm, we will get you away from here", Itachi muttered, trying to reassure you after failing his attempts to break the dead hands with his kunai, and looking around the place for something that could help free you. Gladly, his clone was still holding you up preventing you from being pulled down, but still, the pain at your ankles was getting worst with each passing moment.
Hearing the sizzle sound coming from the dead spiders, your eyes suddenly widened as you've got an idea, those spiders! They can be your key to break free from these cursed hands! That poison coming out of their mouths seems so strong that it can even melt rocks and steel, that's it!

"Itachi,  I guess you can use the spiders' poison to melt these things! I hope it will work!", you said as he nodded, looking at the nearest one hearing that sizzling sound its poison was making...
"Kisame, you stay here with [name] to protect her in case something else appeared", Kisame nodded as Itachi hurried to the spider,  breaking one of its fangs and dipping it in the poison that had accumulated in its mouth, careful not to touch it. Using the fang to carry some poison, even just a little, was a good idea since it's already part of the spider's body and won't be affected by the poison, unlike using something else that might just melt.
He hurried back to you, carrying that fang from its non poisoned tip carefully. His clone was still holding you up, you lifted your kimono up a bit so he can use the poison on the dead hands.
With much care and cautiousness, he passed the tip of the fang stained with poison against the dead hand, and just as you expected, it worked, as that part started to melt and be eaten by the poisonous substance until the hand was totally cut off its origin. The hand soon loosened its grip on your ankle letting your foot go, while Itachi was already using the poison to cut the other one off too.

You have been freed! The clone disappeared soon after this into a puff of smoke, Itachi quickly pulled you out of that spot then the three of you left that place to somewhere less suspicious. Looking back at the spot you have been trapped in, the hand-like things started to wither away as their color started to turn darker until they turned totally black, then crumbled into dust, while the quicksand that had been under your feet stopped moving as the place turned back to normal as if nothing was this some sort of magic? Illusions?
"As much as we try to be careful, some things we just can't expect", Itachi said looking at that spot as well then back at you, noticing the redness around your ankles from the hands' tight grip.

"Can you walk?", he asked, you nodded quickly then said: "yes, don't worry, I will be more careful".
"Doesn't it need to be healed?", he asked, seeing some redness and scratches on them.

"No need for it, also we have to get passed this forest as soon as we can, also...", you trailed off as he nodded for you to continue, "this's kinda of absorbing my power and strength".
"So you too have noticed it...", he muttered, thinking for a short moment, then grabbed your hand and said:"stay close to me", you nodded, slightly tightening your hold on his as the two of you started walking together again, of course, together with Kisame.

The Price Of Loving Him... (Itachi x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ