Chapter 1

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"[name], let me give you this advise...", the masked man referring to himself as Madara, told you one night after an Akatsuki's meeting has just ended and everyone departed into their own missions.
You stood in your spot, waiting for what he's going to say next. This man is aware of everything in a strange way, and it's very probable that he's gonna talk to you about... Itachi.

"you better keep a distance between the two of you, he shows you the nice side of him, but remember, that's how's he used to be before he slaughtered his whole clan in a single night..."

These words sent shivers down your spine. You knew he's right, because that's what you have learnt from your research on Itachi, and Itachi himself confirmed that for you.

"What do you mean exactly? "
You said coldly, trying to hide the nervousness that overwhelmed  you.
"Itachi is ready to do anything...kill anybody...even you [name] if he thinks that you make a threat to Sasuke or to the Uchiha name. He you no mercy, he is ready to sacrifice you"

With this being said, he disappeared.

You felt your legs getting weak as you leaned on a nearby wall to support yourself. He's right...even though you felt Itachi's...'love' for you, but this isn't something strong enough to stop him if he wanted to...

How did things came to this? How have you met him? and fall for him? Only him from all those guys out there who were ready to do anything for you, you loved the criminal and the most dangerous one of them all...

How did you turn from a peaceful, innocent and beautiful young lady Akatsuki member? How did it all come to this?

You looked up at the sky to see the full moon in the center of it, the moon that had always reminded you of him, with a sigh, you closed your eyes...memories of your past flowing back in your mind...

"Oh sweetheart! You're doing a great job, I'm so glad I can trust you to take care of the see, I'm getting pretty old, dear", said Noriko, the gentle and nice old lady who raised [name][last name] after she lost her parents in an unknown accident when she was still a little girl. Lady Noriko taught her everything she knows about medical care and knowledge, and how to use herbs to cure illnesses. The young lady, [name], had already mastered everything she has leanrt, and now she's looking for more knowledge, there is still many things she wants to learn about.

"but lady Noriko! You aren't that old! I still need to learn more from you!", [name] said, with a kind smile while bending down to the grass to grab some medicinal herbs she needed to prepare a certain remedy.

Everything was so calm in the green meadow near [name]'s village. The only sounds that can be heard were hers and Lady Noriko's chatting, laughter and singing,  mixed with the sound of the gentle wind playing with the grass and the leaves, along with the sounds of the birds chirping.

[Name][last name] was born in this peaceful village. There are no fights or wars here, and so, there were no shinobis. After her parents' strange sudden death, Noriko's took care of little [name] and raised her, leading to [name] growing up into beautiful, kind and smart young girl.

After spending a day collecting the herbs they needed, [name] and lady Noriko headed back to the village to their traditional Japanese styled house. [Name] took her basket full of herbs inside to dry them and store them, while lady Noriko went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Um.. Lady Noriko? What is medical Ninjutsu?", you asked while washing the dishes after dinner. The question came to your mind after you remembered reading this words, quite some times in your books, but without a complete explanation of what it is exactly.

Lady Noriko hesitated for a while, [name] better stay away from the shinobi world and everything related to it, but after a moment of thinking, she decided that there is no harm in learning about this, since they live away from wars and fights and that is only about medical care.
"It's a skill used by ninjas to heal injuries and health problems. Tomorrow I will give you an old book about it, read it and you'll figure out what it is, now... goodnight sweetheart", she said with a smile as she left the kitchen to her room. You nodded and wished her a good night as wel. Once you finished cleaning the kitchen, you headed upstairs to your own room.
After a quick, warm shower, you put on some comfortable clothes then slipped under the covers, closing your eyes and falling asleep as the moon's light fell on your beautiful face.

That night's dream was very...strange...

Crows were flying everywhere in the you looked at the sky, you saw the full, in the center of dark, reddish sky.
Terrified, you hurried downstairs calling for lady Noriko but there was no answer...
You held up your tears as you exited the house looking for someone to explain to you what's happening, but surprisingly, the village was empty, you were the only one there...

A strange feeling overwhelmed you, as if you were being watched constantly...your every move has been watched by an unknown someone ...
You suddenly stopped as everything around you turned into a patch of black. You were surrounded by darkness, you couldn't even see the floor you're standing on, then you felt a strong urge to look up at the sky...

You lifted your eyes up to see that the full red moon has disappeared... Instead, a pair of red eyes, with three coma-shaped marks in each of them, were looking directly at you....
Your heart was beating so fast, you were scared...the eyes kept watching you silently as you tried to look for any source of light or exit, or any way to escape from this place but for no use...

Suddenly you started to feel dizzy as your legs started to weaken and your power fading away. The last thing you remember is the eyes closing slowly, before you collapsed down to the ground, unconscious...

you yelled as you woke up in the middle of the night, panting and sweating with your heart still beating fast. You looked quickly through the window of your room to see that everything is normal. You sat down in your bed as you gulped a glass of water, thinking of the strange dream you had just saw. You laid back in your bed as you closed your eyes, trying not to think about the dream you had just saw, finally drifting off to sleep again.

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