Chapter 41

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You blushed at his words, he missed you too. Knowing that  the one you have fell for, is also feeling the same way toward you is amazing, you felt so happy and joyful, you wanted to enjoy these moments with him as much as you can.
You were just sitting beside him under the tree as he closed his eyes for a while, probably taking a rest from a previous mission, your cheeks heated up as your stomach growled, did it really had to do it now?
It was a good thing you already have brought some food with you instead of the lunch you had missed.

"Wanna have some, Itachi?", you asked him, taking your food out of your bag,  and putting it on the grass between you two. He opened his eyes then said looking at the food:"thank you [name], just enjoy your meal, I already ate before I come here", just as he finished, you nodded and pulled out some dango, his face features then changed.
"...hey, may I have some of these?", he said, with a cute look on his face pointing to the sweets as you giggled then said with a smirk looking at him:"I thought you said you have already eaten"

He blushed slightly but didn't say anything, while you smiled softly at him then put the three sticks in front of him then said:"actually, you can have them all", he looked at you, his lips slightly parted then he looked back at the delicious sweets.

"Really?!", he exclained, not seeming to refuse your offer. You nodded with a grin, taking one of your rice balls and taking a bite from it while he picked one of the sticks up and started to chew on it.
"actually...I made them for you, in case you came...", you said in a low and shy voice, blushing slightly as he looked at you.

"How did you know that I like it?", he asked, almost finishing the first stick of sweets already.

"During our mission to get the elixir, I noticed you! You always eat the dango when there is some on the table, or order it in the villages we stopped by", you said with a little giggle as he blinked then smiled slightly, resuming to eat his dango,  'did she make dango everytime she came here expecting to see me?', he thought to himself.

You finished eating and you were just sitting with him, as he seemed to be so satisfied with his little sweet meal.
"[name], tell me more about you, what brought you all the way to that village, and how come that you didn't know anything about our clan and the hidden leaf village?", he asked you, as you just let out a sigh, remembering what lady Noriko told after you came back from your trip to the leaf village and finding out the truth.
"Well...I was born parents decided to let me live here with lady Noriko while they got back to the leaf, but they were visiting me regularly until they died when I was still little...", you started telling him what happened as he listened carefully.

"And that's it, I only figured out about the clan accidentally when I was in the leaf, as I found the symbol, the same on my bracelet drawn on some books"
"Does anyone else knows about your true identity?", he asked in a serious voice.
"No, only lady Noriko knows. She also knows who you are, she figured it out when I told her that your last name is Uchiha, she heard about the massacre, and so she thought that you might had came to...kill me", you said in a low voice, looking at him with a sad face expression.
"I see...", he muttered.
"Honestly...I also was thrilled when I knew this, especially the day you came to take me to heal Deidara", you continued, looking ahead of you at the lake.
"I know, you were so nervous when you saw me that time, even before knowing why I came for", he said looking at your beautiful face.

"Itachi?", you turned at him.
"Yes?", he answered you calmly.
"Itachi, I had a dream about you, before we have even met...", you said, remembering the dream you have seen some time before meeting him.
"What was it about?", he said with concern clear in his voice.
"It was a bit scary, it was dark, your eyes...with the Sharingan were following me around, as the village seemed empty, the sky was red and crows were flying everywhere...I was so scared...", you said, feeling uncomfortable remembering the dream.
"That's weird...", he mumbled, furrowing his brows.
"The day we first met, when I bumped into you accidentally, I...saw your eyes, and I knew it was you in the dream", you said, looking into his beautiful  black eyes.
"I have noticed the change on your face once you have looked into my face"
"I don't even know what that dream means...", you said shrugging your shoulders slightly, tucking some strands of hair behind your ear as wind blew softly.

You two remained silent for a while, Itachi felt it that you have been feeling uncomfortable speaking of the dream.

"[name], don't think much about it, maybe that was a sign we were gonna meet soon, after all, that's what happened", he said looking at you.

"Yeah, it is just that I was naive and never seen something like that before..."
"[name]? Who else knows about your identity? I mean in the leaf, do you think that someone might have figured it out?", he asked, as you can see he was pretty concerned.
"No one knows...I kept that secret well hidden, I myself was still surprised", you said, shaking your head no.
"How about your bracelet? Did anyone see it?"
"No, I left it home with Notiko, she knew they would find out if they saw it and I might get into trouble, she didn't let me take it without even telling me the reason", you replied with a smile, looking at your precious bracelet.

"Have you met Kakashi?", he asked.
"Yeah! He was so kind to me, do you know him?", you replied smiling and looking at the Uchiha, remembering the masked man and Naruto who helped you, especially when you first arrived there.
"Yes, we worked together at a time...", he said calmly, as you just nodded and looked back at the lake.

"Itachi?", you called his name again after a while, looking at him.
"Yeah [name]?", he answered in the same calm voice.
"How's your health? Have you finished your cure?", you asked in a voice full of concern.
"Yes I did. I have gotten a lot better, thank you, [name]", he said with nod and a small smile.

"You're welcome, I'm glad I helped you", you smiled.
"When I first came, I was searching for lady Noriko, but when she told me it was you who will heal me, I was disappointed", he said with a little smirk.
"Really? Why?", you raised your eyebrows at this.
"You are young, which means you lack experience, I didn't expect you to be that skilled to be honest", he said looking at you.
"And now, are you convinced?", you aske with a proud smirk.
"Itachi, about the eyedrops, are you still using them?"
"No, I have run out of them a while ago"
"And you haven't come to see me again?!", you said with a pout, clearly not happy to hear this.
"[name] I was so busy, besides I still see well"
"That's not an excuse!", you said crossing your arms over your chest still pouting cutely.
"Fine, what do you say then?", he said, looking at your cute upset face.
"I will give you some more but"
"Their effect is only temporary", you said with some disappointment in your voice.
"Well I guess that's something we have nothing to do about"
"Yes, but we can heal your eyes in a better way"
"How [name]?"
"Surgery", you said with a smile.
"Forget about it [name]", he totally refused, looking back at the lake.
"Itachi, it won't take long and I'm sure of it one hundred percent!", you to convince him.
"I don't know...I mean this is a big risk for me"
"I understand you Itachi, but think about it, if you change your mind, just let me know", you smiled again at him.
"Even if I wanted to, do you think lady Noriko will be okay that I come to you to heal me?", he asked.
"Yes, I told her that I-", you said before stopping as your cheeks turned pink.
"Yes? That you are?", he looked at you, slightly smirking.
"T-that I will help you if I had to, and she doesn't mind", you quickly changed what you were gonna say previously.
"Okay, though that doesn't really seem to be what you have told her", he said, smirking more.
"What do you mean Itachi?!", you looked at him with your blush still there, or maybe a little bit intensified.
"Nothing [name]", he said with a small smile looking ahead.

"Itachi, I guess I should head back now", you said, noticing that it was already evening.
"Alright, let me accompany you then", he said, standing up, then helping you up too.
"Sure", you said grabbing your bag and wagasa.
The two of you walked all the way back to your village, you stopped as you neared the gate of the village to say goodbye. 

The sun was gonna go down soon, you were standing with him  facing each other, looking at his face deepily as you were trying to memorize every detail of it one last time before he  leaves.
"Will I see you again?", you asked him, he nodded answering with a simple yes as you smiled.
"You don't have to come looking for me, I will let you know when we are gonna see each other", he added, as the wind had blown gently, playing with his bangs and cloak, and your soft hair.
"Okay...when? Approximately...", you asked, looking at his eyes.
"I'm not sure, maybe after a week or so", he replied calmly, removing a leaf that had fallen on your head.
"Ah, I see"

"Well then [name], you need to hurry, the sun will go down soon", he said looking at the orange sky.
"Yes, take care of yourself Itachi, okay?"
"I will", he nodded.
"Alright, see you later", you murmured smiling at him, then turning around and heading toward the gate of the village while he stayed there watching you leave until you disappear inside your village then he left.

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