Chapter 139

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It was dawn...

here was just a little dim light starting to spread outside, Itachi was already awake, looking at your sleeping face...this scene looked so familiar...

It reminded him of the morning he left you, almost four years ago, only now instead of preparing to leave or kill you like before, he is just watching your face peacefully under that dim morning light as he cuddled you and gently caressed your cheek, loving the way you cuddle to him, the way you snuggle to him in your sleep never changed...
He watched you silently with a smile as he held you close while playing with your hair too gently, how lucky is he to be given a second chance to live with you? How much is he lucky to be the one, from all men out there, having the chance to be with you? besides that you are an Uchiha, beside your strength, you skills and're a rare jewel [name], and he was lucky enough to find you.
He sighed as he kissed your forehead, he wanted to enjoy every moment he is being with you, he wanted to make up for all those times he has been away, for all those time he hurt you, the both of you.

Itachi lifted his head up hearing the door getting opened slowly and someone walks in.
"Tatsu?! Why are you up pretty early?", Itachi asked his boy in a faint voice, careful not to wake you up as he sat up in bed looking at the little child who stood at a little distance away.
"Dad?...", Tatsu seemed surprised to see Itachi in his mom's room, the little boy hesitated for a while to advance, not knowing exactly what should he do.

He sometimes comes to you at night when he has a nightmare, or comes at morning when he wakes up a bit early and cuddles to you and take a nap until time to wake up comes, he didn't expect to find Itachi here as well.
"Come here my son...", Itachi whispered with a gentle smile on his face as he opened his arms for Tatsu, who smiled at this, then walked up to Itachi who lifted him up and sat him in his lap, Tatsu really loved to be called 'son' by his own dad, he have always wanted to hear this.
"Tell me, why are you up now Tatsu? Is there something wrong?", Itachi asked him calmly still in a low voice, taking a look at you to see you still sleeping deepily.
"I just couldn't get back to sleep so I came to mom...couldn't you sleep too, dad?", Tatsu asked him, just a whisper, making Itachi chuckle slightly at his cute voice and question.
"No son, that's not why I'm here, this is also my room, mom and dad always share a room together, you see...that's why it has a larger bed and a bigger wardrobe", Itachi said calmly, gently passing his hand through the little boy's soft locks of hair as he nodded slowly after thinking about it, seeming to understand this.

"Now that you sleep with mom, she is not afraid anymore and she doesn't cry, right?", Tatsu asked happily looking at Itachi who nodded and smiled at him, gently kissing his head and pulling him to his chest.
"Yes, I will not let mom cry again, and now son, why don't you take a little nap until it is time to get up, hm?", Itachi said as Tatsu nodded, looking at him with his beautiful large black eyes, Itachi then moved a bit away from you making a small gape between you and him and gently laying Tatsu down in the middle, notcing how you smiled in your sleep as you hugged Tatsu who snuggled to you with a happy look on his face.

Itachi laid down again beside the the two of you, now he has a family for his own, he can't keep thinking just about Sasuke all the time anymore, you and Tatsu are also his family too, he closed his eyes with a sigh...he is grateful he didn't dare to kill you that day, he is happy you lived, and saved him, and now you two have this beautiful child with you two.

Itachi's eyes widened as he gasped slightly when Tatsu let go of you and turned towards him instead, hiding his face in Itachi's chest and holding onto his shirt with his small hands surprising him.

Itachi was just watching the little cute boy for a while surprised by this, looking down at his little reminded him a lot of the time Sasuke was still young and how he used to act cutely like this, but Tatsu is different...Tatsu is his own child...a piece of him, a mixture between you and him, Tatsu loved him without even seeing him or interacting with him before, he just loved him without having a reason to, he loved him just because he is his dad, and that's all he needed to know.

You moved closer to your son hugging him from behind as you continued your sleep, the sun wasn't up yet though there was already morning light outside and some few birds chirping, Itachi pulled the two of you close to him as he smiled and closed his eyes, having a little nap as well before the three of you should wake up shortly after.

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