Chapter 108

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"Oh no you don't!!"

Kakashi and Gai's combo attack has been blocked by someone, you smiled weakly at the voice, you looked up to see Kisame standing in front of you holding his sword Samehada in a defensive position as he just used it to block the two senseis and sent them backwards.
"You're late...", you said with a smirk, in a low voice as you looked at him, holding your damaged right side that Gai had hit previously with his dynamic entry.
"Sorry, we had to deal with other things, and then we had to look for you", Kisame said with a smirk looking at you from his shoulder, before looking again ahead of him, looks like he will have fun.

"This is bad, Gai...", Kakashi said, bending down on his knee catching his breath,  Gai panted while dusting his clothes off, Tenten, Neji and Sai are already injured, Kakashi is exhausted, and only Gai is still in a good shape for a fight.
"We can still take them Kakashi!", Gai said with determination, after all you're also down and just Kisame is with you...
Just Kisame?
"You're underestimating him", Kakashi said standing up and looking at Kisame, who has been still in a defense position in front of you, he can't just go attack them and leave you exposed for other attacks.
"Also...we have another guest...", Kakashi said, notcing a black feather landing in front of him.

'Where is Itach-'
Before you can even finish your sentence, he landed right in front of you next to Kisame, Itachi...
"Da*n it!!", Gai said through gritted teeth knowing they no longer have the advantage over you, Kisame and Itachi don't seem tired or worn out, after all, their mission was mostly spying and gathering some scrolls without being noticed.
"Five against one...chunins, Jounins and former Anbu members against one girl... what a shame", Itachi said as he looked around with his Sharingan activated, seeing the state Neji, Sai and Tenten were in along with the two senseis...good job [name]...
"It didn't matter, all that matters is that she is an Akatsuki!! And she is a traitor! Like you!", Gai said pointing his index finger to to Itachi, as Itachi didn't say anything in return to this...

"What is her relationship with you? Why is she with you? Why you didn't kill her with the rest of the Uchiha clan??!!", Kakashi asked some of the many questions jolting in his head, now fighting would be useless, the best they can do is gather as much information as they can...
"Well...[name] Uchiha relationship with me is not limited in being members of the Akatsuki...[name] is actually my wife", Itachi said calmly, as you gasped slightly blushing, the shock on Kakashi'a face was huge, as well as on Gai's face, while Kisame let out a small chuckle with a grin.
"As for your question while she is being left alive...I guess it is obvious...", Itachi said looking at you then back at Kakashi, "to do a purification...a create a new Uchiha generation that would take over everything, to be the strongest among all, and I, I see myself as the most suitable person to do this, and [name] will help me with this, satisfied?", he finished his question with a glare at Kakashi.

You were listening carefully, you knew it was all a lie...all of this lies and hatred and suffering, because of that mission he has been assigned to years ago, you didn't say anything, you were busy unsealing your chakra points that Neji had sealed, it will take time, because you need to open each one alone...besides, you will need to leave soon to heal yourself, your ribcage particularly is damaged from Gai's hit.
"[name]...why did you do this?", Kakashi direct his question to you, you have no answer, or rather you didn't want to answer, after all...his question needs long and long explanations...
"I said I didn't want to fight you, I had no business with you", you said, as you tried to stand up, yet you couldn't.
"[name] stay back, I'll take care of things now", Itachi said in a stern way looking briefly at you then at Kakashi and Gai.

"So Itachi, shall we start?", Kisame said with a chuckle, ready to attack, while Itachi remained silent.
"Let's retreat Gai, we can't defeat them in our current state!", Kakashi said, after analyzing the situation, it was obvious things were in the Akatsuki's favor, they need backup and also, other Akatsuki might come as well.
"You're right Kakashi...Tenten is badly injured with her weapons...Neji's arm is broken...Sai...", Gai said looking around, then nodded, jumped toward Tenten and picking her up on his back.
"Neji, Sai, let's retreat, now!", Kakashi ordered them as the two nodded and jumped backwards.
"Already running? But we didn't even start yet", Kisame said with a grin as he was about to jump at them, before Itachi stopped him.
"No Kisame, there is no point in fighting them, that's not why we are here, also...[name] needs to get healed soon", Itachi said calmly as he looked at you.

The leaf ninjas took the chance and left quickly, Itachi then walked to you and picked up gently in his arms, careful not make your injury hurt more, then the three of you started leaving the place.

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