Chapter 42

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Itachi was thinking about you, you and him, he knows that what he is doing is wrong, he'd end up hurting you, he isn't any ordinary person, he is...who he is, his past is stained with blood and sining, and his future is not a bright one for sure...yet, looking at you, the way you could read what's hidden in his eyes, your smile, your care and ...your dango...he found himself getting more and more attracted to you, he can't stop, everything around him is pushing him more to you, in the middle of the mess, darkness and chaos he was living in, you were the light in his life...

You were back home, entering your house then taking off your shoes and heading to the kitchen, finding Noriko preparing dinner.
"You're late than usual", she said putting the cooking pot on the stove as you sat at the table, putting your things aside and taking a rest.
"Well, there were some sudden circumstances...", you trailed off with a slight, but obvious nervousness in your voice.
"Have you met him?", she asked in a quite voice, stirring the vegetables with a wooden spoon, as she then looked at you noticing the slightly blush that spread on your cheeks.
"Huh?...well...", you started, there is no point in trying to pretend you don't know who she is talking about, "he came...", you said.
She chuckled at your cute reaction surprising you, you have been always the girl who puts work first and always thought you would only fall in love with the perfect man, but here you are, falling in love with the killer of your clan, and one of the most feared and dangerous people known.

But to you...Itachi was perfect...

"[name] sweetheart, I know you might not like what I'm gonna say but...there are plenty of fish in the sea, why him? Do you realize what are you doing? You know very well who he is! You remember what was your reaction when you found out who he is! You were shaking with fear, what happened now? What did he do to you that your opinion about him changed this much?", she finished her words, with a look of deep worry on her face.

You can't blame her, she have raised you and gave your parents a promise to take care of you, but also...she doesn't know what he told you, she doesn't know what happened exactly, she can't just stand there and watch you go to the unknown on your own feet after all these years she spent raising you and turning you into the pretty and smart young girl you are now.
"I know my lady, but...that's the way others think, not the way he is to me...I'm the one who spent days and nights with him, he had several chances to kill me, to do whatever he wants to me, but all I got from him was care, attention, and protection", you said with smile.
"That's because he needed something from you, he had to keep you safe so he can get what he wanted", she said with a sigh.
"No, he did more than what was needed, he showed me that side of him, the side people don't know about", you said, slightly clutching your hands into fists.
"[name]...I'm worried about you, it's hard for me to believe that he wants good for you, he is after all...a criminal", she said with a serious look on her face.
"My lady, I respect your opinion but I told you, I have seen other things from yourself my lady told me he is such a nice and good mannered young man, he is not the monster people think he is", you said, defending the Uchiha.
"That was before we find out who he is", she still insists.
"My lady, he met me by accident, he wasn't after me as we thought, and still he said that he won't hurt me, I don't think he even needs to lie, he has no reason to do so", you said looking at her eyes.

"So [name]? What are you gonna do?", she said with a sad look on her face, apparently there is no way she can change your mind about him.
"I will...keep healing him if needed, I will help him when he needs me and stand by his side, I love him", you confessed that you actually do love the raven haired man...alreary this fast?
"[name]", she murmured your name, taking your hand in hers, and gently squeezing it.
"Yes my lady...", you looked up at her, waiting for what she was gonna say next.
"If that's what you want then...I will not stop you but...", she said with a small smile.
"Be careful, I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you, I made a promise to your parents", she said, placing her other hand gently on your cheek.
"Don't worry my lady, there is no need to worry about me, I'm sure if you were in my place, if you knew what I have would have did the same thing I'm doing...", you said with a reassuring smile.
"[name], take it easy, think wisely and deeply about everything you are gonna do about your relationship with him, and...don't be clumsy and do things you might regret later", you nodded and blushed, knowing what she meant, if she finds out you shared a room and a bed with will be a big trouble!

That night you couldn't fall asleep thinking about him, ever since you saw him the first time, you had felt something for him, at first you thought it was just a little affection, he was attractive and handsome after all, next you knew who he is, and all you can think of about him was fear and blood, he was back and after spending some time closer to him, you have changed your mind again, he is not all that bad, he is nice, he kissed you, and that night you knew he broke the seal you have put on your heart for years, he has conquered your heart, you two parted ways and all you can think of is when you are gonna see him met him and talked to him in a total different conditions, and that's when you knew you had fallen for him...

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