Chapter 164

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You closed the door and headed back inside to the kitchen with Tatsu after Itachi left with Sasuke.
"Alright Tatsu, finish your breakfast then go get ready for your school", you said as you sat again at table with him, seeing the down look on his face as he just nodded slowly at you.
"Come on, I'm here with you!", you smiled as you gently patted his head while he smiled and continued eating his food calmly, just when his wish to meet his dad has been granted, his uncle came and took him away.
"Mom, can you keep a secret?", Tatsu said after he finished his cup of milk that left a thin white line on his upper lip, making you try hold your chuckles.
"Of course darling, tell me", you said with smirk leaning closer to him.
"I love you more than I love dad", Tatsu said with a pout making you gasp slightly in surprise but then smile at him, as you grabbed a tissue and cleaned his upper lip from milk and said:"maybe that's because you spent more time with me than with him, darling dad loves you so much and he will be back soon for you", you said as you gently pinched his rosy cheek.
"He prefers uncle...", he muttered with a bigger pout, now he is jealous of Sasuke.
"No he doesn't, he loves you as his son, he loves uncle as his brother, he loves me as his wife...everyone has a place in his heart that can't be taken by another one, and soon when you get to know dad very well, you will also learn to love each of us, he as dad, and me as mom", you said smiling as you gently patter his head.
"Fine...", he said looking up at you with his black eyes, he feels a little bit more better...

"Tatsu, I also have a secret to tell you...", you whispered to him as you gently caressed his cheek.
"What is it mom?", his eyes widened a bit in excitement waiting for you to continue.
"I think you're much more cute and handsome than your dad, you take a lot after him, but you have some [h/c] hairs that appears and shine under the sunlight and've got those cute dimples that appear when you smile and laugh!!", you giggle poking the cute little indentation on his cheek hearing him laugh as he seemed to like to hear this.
"Thanks mom!!"
"Talking about beauty...I need to trim your hair Tatsu, your bangs will soon cover your dear, get your backpack and let's go, I will first take you to school then I will head to the hospital", you said as you stood up and started cleaning the table seeing him nod and get down from his seat to put on his backpack as you asked.
It was a normal busy day for you as usual, Tatsu passed his day at school with his friends, while the two Uchiha brothers had crossed a long path toward their destination.

"Tatsu?! Honey get inside, the sun will go down soon", you called for your son as you looked for him out in the yard, it felt a lot like the day Itachi was back, but this time Tatsu wasn't playing like that day, he was just sitting beside the front door looking at the gate of your house with his face in his palms, as if he was waiting for his father to be back.
"Sweetheart...come on let's get in", you said as you got out and went to him and placed your hand on his head, gently stroking his hair as he sighed and stood up, a look of disappointment on his face.
"Tatsu, I'm feeling a little tired so I really need your help with the dinner...", you said with a fake sigh, trying to make Tatsu think about another thing than his father, this seemed ro work, as he got excited ready to help him, feeling that you actually need him.
"Also...I want to ask you something...", you said with a soft voice holding his hand in yours, as he nodde and waited for you to continue.
"I want you to sleep with me dear, tonight and maybe even tomorrow, a-and all every night until your dad is back! I want you to protect me and keep me safe...please?", you said in a pleading tone, seeing the determination look on his face to protect you.
"Of course mom!! I will do my best and keep watching over you evey night until you sleep!", Tatsu said excitlty feeling how important he was to you, of course you didn't mean this literally, but you wanted him to feel how important and needed he is to you, and for him to have a sense of responsibility ever since he is little, and of can't deny the fact that you love cuddling with him.
"Thank you so much Tatsu!! I really appreciate it!!", you smiled and sighed in relief as you heard his response, seeing the proud look on his face as he said: "I will protect you, just as I promised dad".

"I know I will be fine with you Tatsu...speaking of dad...", you were saying when you heard some croaking sounds, you looked up at the orange evening sky to see a group of ravens flying up, as one of them seemed to be coming in your direction, you held your arm out for it to land on, as you knew to whom this raven belongs to.
"Mom?! Why did it come to you?!", Tatsu said surprised as was looking at the crow standing on your forearm as you were undoing the red thread around his leg to take the small piece of paper attached to it.
"He was sent by your father Tatsu, look, he sent us a letter", you said with a smile as you opened the small piece of paper and started to read it.
"Dear [name], I hope you and Tatsu are fine, I'm still on my way with Sasuke, tell Tatsu I still relay on him to keep you and our home safe, I love you both, Itachi".
"Well that's what he said in his letter", you said as Tatsu grinned hearing what his dad said about him, "can we write back to him?", you son asked excitedly making you smile and look at the crow who landed on the ground in front of you waiting for you to order him, it was evening and the sun will set soon and the ravens needs to sleep, but still you can give him the letter and tomorrow he can carried it to Itachi.
"Alright darling, go inside quickly and bring me a paper and a pen from the kitchen", you said as Tatsu nodded and run inside quickly bringing you what you have requested, as you then wrote a little letter back to Itachi together and attached to the crow's leg, then he flight back to his group as they then left all together.

"There you are...", you put Tatsu in the bed after you finished bathing him, you dried his hair that you have trimmed earlier at the day with a soft towel, as you then tucked him in bed and went to put the towel back in the bathroom, you then closed the door and laid next to him, making sure he is warm enough and well covered with the blanket.
"Alright mom, I will keep watching you until you sleep then I will sleep", Tatsu said in a clearly sleepy voice as you giggled and nodded at him closing your eyes and said: "okay my little dragon...I will sleep now, goodnight..."
"Goodnight mama...", he said as he kissed your cheek then kept watching you for a while until he heard you snoring, he then snuggled closer to your chest and closed his eyes falling asleep quickly.
You then opened your eyes after a while, you only faked your sleep, you kissed his forehead and pulled him closer to you as you then turned off the lights and slept as well.

Hm, so how do you think a teenage Tatsu would be like?🤔😁

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