Chapter 16

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You were back home, you have been in the reception room taking a rest, sitting on the floor around the table with lady Noriko, telling her all about your journey to the leaf and the sand villages as you two sipped warm tea and ate some sweets. She enjoyed seeing you there again with her, she smiled at you while you excitedly told her all about what you have been learning and how much have you improved, as well as telling her about the people you met there and how nice they have been to you.

"It looks like your journey had a good effect on you, you look more mature and...prettier than before", she said, smiling as you nodded and smiled back at her then said:"indeed, I've learnt a lot there, probably I could have never improve this much if I didn't have the courage to leave the village".
There was a moment of silence as you thought about telling her what you found out about the Uchihas, you hesitated for a while, but then decided to do it anyway.

"M'lady, since I'm back, can I have my bracelet back now?", you asked putting your cup of tea down. She nodded and left the room for a little while, then walked back in again with it in her hand.
"Here it is my dear", she said putting it in your palm as you looked closely at it, there is no doubt about it, you're an Uchiha...
"That's the Uchiha clan's symbol", you said calmly, you then lifted your eyes at her, while she seemed a bit surprised yet she remained silent. Of course, you would surely find this out while being at the leaf village...
"This parents are Uchihas...I'm an Uchiha, right?", you asked, placing the bracelet back on your wrist as she closed her eyes for a while thinking, then opened them again.
"I see you have found out the truth. I expected this to happen since you went to the leaf village, I...wanted you to find that out by yourself", she said with a sigh.

"Why did you hide it from me? Why didn't you tell me who am I? What's about...Itachi? Did you know about him? Did you know who is he?!", so many questions that needed answers were filling your head.
"Your parents, as you already know their names, Yuki and Ryu, were ninjas from the leaf. They once came here looking for some cure as your dad has been injured...I helped them out, then we got to know each other more. They went back to their village, but came back here again after a while, and your mom was in her last stages of pregnancy. They stayed here until she delivered her baby, which was a beautiful girl they named [name]", she said with a small smile while you listened carefully.

"They came here on that time so you mother would deliver you here, things back in the leaf has been starting to get tough for the Uchihas, as they started to be considered as a threatening to the leaf, though this wasn't officially declared by the leaders of the village or the heads of the clan. Your parents sensed it pretty early, and that's why they came here, so you will be born here away from dangers there", she added with a sigh.
"And...what happened then?", you asked.
"Your parents decided to let you live here with me, while they went back to the leaf and said they lost the baby. They were visiting you regularly and spent good times with you, and most importantly, they loved you so much, until they died together during a mission, long time before the Uchiha massacre happened", she said with a sad smile.

"So...that's how I ended up here? Lady Noriko? I know you didn't tell me my true identity because you wanted to protect me, but why you didn't try to stop me when I wanted to go to the leaf?", you asked a bit confused.
"Your parents told me to never stop you if you ever wanted to go there. They wanted you to know who you are, they wanted you to go there someday...", she trailed off.
"It could have been risky, especially with the way I have been raised"
"You're smart enough to get safe, I trusted you, and you didn't disappoint me in the end", she said with an eye-clsoed smile.

"And what's about...Itachi? Did you know who was he when he came here? Did you know about the crime he did? D-Do you think...he is after me?", you asked with a hint of fear in your voice. Of course, knowing who he is and what he did, sent a shiver down your spine.
She remained silent for a while before speaking again:"I don't think he came for you mainly, when I talked to him, I could tell he was one of the most nice and well mannered people I've ever met. He came specifically for a cure for his sickness which you afforded. After he told you who he is, it was hard for me to believe that he was the same person who killed his clan in a single night as I've heard few years ago. He knew who you are after finding your bracelet, when he came here again and met you he could have killed us both easily if he wanted to. You two even went together to get the herbs and he didn't harm you, [name]", the old lady said, recalling the times Itachi came.

"Then...why would he do such a horrible thing?! What happened exactly?", you muttered in a low voice remembering what Shizune told you, why did he wipe out your whole clan so suddenly? why did he spare his little brother only? What if you were in the leaf at that time? Would he have...killed you too?
"Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for this sweetheart", she replies with a sigh.
"Maybe he didn't kill me because I was completely naive to everything...I don't know what will I do if he came back again", you said with a worried look on your face, causing Noriko to smile as she placed her hand gently on your head:"you have just come back, there is no need to think of these things right now. You have to be happy for coming back home, try not to think about what you have found out, after all, things are still the same, no one knows about you, except him, and he didn't do anything to threaten you, and he doesn't know you found out the truth about yourself and him". You nodded at, as you smiled gently then got up, going to your room trying to relax more.

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