twenty seven ▋bottle rockets

Start from the beginning

"Of course I am, who else is here that would be me?" Chaeyeon questioned them, annoyance peaking in her tone as she ran her hands through her hair and walked towards them. "I'm assuming that The Godfather is ready to see me now?" She asked, not even sparing them a glance as she took the lead down the hallway that led to an elevator.

"Actually the Godfather is not in today," they explained, shuffling after Chaeyeon to try and take the lead to guide her towards the elevator. The woman narrowed her eyes at her escort, giving them a skeptical yet confused look as they continued to speak. "The Godfather left a few days before the Utopia fire with his wife to enjoy their own private time. The Underboss has been working in his stead until he returns in about a day or two from Thailand."

Chaeyeon inwardly groaned at the thought of facing the Underboss. The two didn't get along very well, they never have even before he was appointed the Underboss after the death of their past Underboss two months ago. They handled things rather differently from each other, plus the fact that Chaeyeon had taken his special unit and failed her mission with them meant she was going to be at even more odds with the man than she would like. Every time the Godfather called his Underboss, Consigliere, and Caporegimes, the two would always start bickering and cursing at each other. Usually, the Consigliere was there to supervise them and keep the peace, but it was just going to be her and Underboss this time.

"When this is all over, contact my associates for me," Chaeyeon demanded as the elevator to the top floor opened its doors as they drew closer. "I'm going to need several bottles of alcohol to get over this catfight."

"But Ms. Jung," her escort began, a worried look donning their face as the two entered the elevator. "From what I heard, you had quit drinking months ago to focus more on your tasks for the faction. Why would you want to break that streak now of all times?"

Chaeyeon rolled her eyes at their nagging, leaning up against the metal walls and urging her to punch in the numbers for the top floor. "Your Underboss gets on my nerves." Silence fell over the two as her escort nodded at her towards, not daring to say another word to her and pressing the button to raise them to the top floor. The elevator shook slightly and it began to move upwards, carrying them to the top of the building where the Godfather's office and the Underboss were located.

It stayed quiet as the two waited in the elevator, watching the numbers go from one to ten in only a few minutes. "Tell me has the Underboss seemed rather... odd today? A little more snotty and little angrier maybe?" She asked her escort, trying to give herself the heads up for the incoming conversation she would have to endure.

They seemed conflicted, not knowing whether answering Chaeyeon's question would have them killed or not. "Well... I wouldn't say he was angry. He was calm when he came in this morning as if nothing had happened the day before. I think he's just mentally preparing himself for the return of the Godfather and the amount of recap he'll have to give him so they can go over how they'll act next."

Chaeyeon nodded just as the elevator stopped, a smirk playing on his lips as it's doors slid open. "Is that so?" She replied, walking out without waiting for his escort.

They quickly rushed after her, trying to catch up with her and lead her down the dark wood hallway. Chaeyeon didn't give them the chance as she reached the room at the end of the hallway, pulling on the door handle and swimming the large double doors open. "You called?" She asked, her tone rough and annoying as she addressed the Underboss.

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