Silena Grace

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I watch silently as Zöe, Bianca, and Emmy slide into their dresses as if I'm in a haze. We had all gone to pick them out together a few weeks ago, but now, looking at the silver dress mom helped me pick out makes me nauseous. Emmy walks over and perches on the couch next to me.
"You know it's not going to be the same without you there?" She says sadly. I force a smile.
"Don't even worry about it. I want you guys to have the best time. Besides, prom is overrated anyways," I tell her. Emmy looks at me skeptically as Bianca and Zöe join us.
"You can't lie to us, we want you to be there with us. We can even ditch the guys," Zöe offers.
"Yeah. We can't go without you," Bianca adds. I give a genuine smile. I don't know where I'd be without them. They're the sweetest.
"Just go." I say.
"Okay. Bye Silena!" Bianca says. The other two wave to me as they leave the house. I almost feel bad for using charm speak, but I can't ruin this night for them.

It's beginning to get dark when there's knocking at my door.
"Come in," I call out.
"Hey sweetie," my mom pushes the door open and enters my room.
"Hi mom."
"I thought I heard that you weren't going tonight. How are you feeling?" I shrug.
"I know break ups are hard. They're the worst. But hey. You got a beautiful dress, it would be a shame if it never saw the light of night. I'm not saying you should go to the dance, but there are other places you could go to be alone."
"I just feel numb mom."
"I know sweetheart. I know. But some battles you have to fight for yourself. I love you."
"I love you to mom." When I hear the door close again I turn to my closet where my dress hangs. I look at it for a long time before sighing. She's right. I can't let a stupid boy keep me inside all night. I pull the dress off it's hanger and change quickly before slipping silently downstairs and out the back door. I cross the yard quickly, passing the pool where I barely recognize the reflection the glances back at me. I disappear into the trees, jogging for a few minutes before stopping at the base of my tree. I look up at the old tree house he and his dad built for me. I haven't been out here in months. I finally make the decision to make the climb up, hiking up my dress so I climb the rope ladder. When I reach the top I take a deep breath and watch as the sun slowly disappears behind the horizon.
"You wanted to be alone tonight huh?" A voice asks behind me. I whip around and there stand Maci and Madi. I glare at the two older girls.
"What are you doing here and how the hell did you know about this place?" I demand.
"Oh that's easy! We could smell you!" Maci giggles. I stare in confusion before it dawns on me.
"Bianca and Zöe were our first choice, but it's just too easy when one leaves the pack," Madi snarls. I stare in horror as they change before me.
"Is that a goat leg?" I blurt out?
"Why do they always mention the leg?" Maci screeches. She lunges at me and I barely dodge, backing into the rail of the tree house.
"I've heard about your daddy. Let's see if this apple falls from the tree!" Maci hisses as she lunges for me again. I barely have time to glance at the ground before I turn, jump, and pray. I wait for the pain of hitting ground but it never comes. When I open my eyes, I'm hovering inches off the ground.
"Lena?" At the sound of his voice, I drop to the ground.
"Oh my gods Lena!" He rushes to help me up, but I push him off.
"Go away!" I order.
"You know your charm speak doesn't work on me," he sighs.
"Enoughs enough love birds," Madi calls down from the treehouse. She and Maci jump down, landing feet away from us.
"Lena, what are Madi and Maci doing here? And how did they not just die?" He asks.
"My name is Kelli!" Maci shrieks before throwing herself at him. He immediately bursts into flames before slicing through her with his carefully concealed sword.
"Kelli might have gotten sloppy after her time in Tartarus, but Tammi hasn't!" The second empousai lunges at me and I dodge again, but not before she rakes her claws down my skirt.
"Don't touch her!" He yells, aiming a ball of fire at Madi. She tries to dodge, but hisses when it makes contact with her shoulder. He steps in, swinging at her, but she avoids his strike.
"Lena, third rung, twist three times, you know the code!" He shouts as Madi lunges again. I scramble to the base of the tree and quickly follow his instructions. A section of bark on the tree slides up, revealing a number pad. I know the code? I quickly type in the first set of numbers that comes to mind and the light flashes green revealing a hollowed space filled with celestial bronze weapons. I snatch a set of knives before turning back to Madi. He's keeping her well occupied so it's no problem for me to come in from behind and turn her to gold dust. He's panting heavily as I look down at the gold pile in front of us.
"What are you doing here?" I ask finally.
"Same as you probably. Trying to get away."
"I'm not running away, I'm trying to be alone." We stand in silence.
"Well you look beautiful. Like a goddess." He says finally.
"I'm part goddess," I snap. More silence.
"Lena I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Everything." I look at him standing in the moonlight. His curly, caramel colored hair brushes his eyelashes as he looks down at me.
"Yeah? Well, apologies don't fix everything. You didn't think we were going to last anyway, so what's the point?"
"Lena I'm sorry, I was wrong. I love you. And I know that now and I know I can't take back what I said, but I've been going crazy and hating myself for ever saying anything. Please." I avoid looking into those eyes for as long as possible because I know as soon as I look I'll break, but I can't resist his warm, brown pools.
"I love you Beck." I whisper as I finally fall back into his arms.

A/N do you guys want me to break open the vault and update more?

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