Denice Kirkland - Frazel

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I stand behind the counter of the cheap coffee shop I work at, boredly going through the customers lined up infront of me. I roll my eyes at the women in front of me. I swear she's changed her order about three times already. The man before her asked for a warm croissant, then came back and complained that his croissant was too hot. 'Why do people have to be so extra?' I scream in my brain. The bell above the door rings again and I immediately perk up when a cute boy walks through the door. the boy has a short military hair cut and appears to be of asian ethnicity. I roll my eyes again however, when a shorter girl with curly brown hair and golden eyes walks in behind him. The girl is clearly younger than her companion and I scoff mentally. The two approach the counter and I quickly put on a dazzling smile.
"Hi there, what can I get you today?" I ask the boy as I flutter my lashes. The boy shifts uncomfortably.
"Can I get a venti french vanilla latté with hazelnut and soy milk as a replacement for lactose, and a grandé black coffee with vanilla sweetner?" the girl asks. I put on a sickly sweet fake smile as I look at the girl.
"Of course, that will be $9.83," I tell her, looking back at the boy.
"Can I get a name for those?"
"Uh, Frank and Hazel," the boy tells me. The two leave to wait for their drinks and I quickly scribble their orders down on their cups. I roll my eyes once again when I see the girl, Hazel, ordered soy milk instead of the regular whole milk. Gods, all these basic girls trying to be healthy and cute. I ignore the soy milk and quickly make their drinks.
"One french vanilla latté with hazelnut and a black coffee with vanilla sweetner," I call out. Hazel approaches the counter while Frank waits at their table and I frown in disappointment.
"Um, did you put whole milk in that latté? Because I'm pretty sure I ordered soy," the girl says. I roll my eyes at her.
"Get over it. Getting soy milk doesn't make you trendy and cool, just drink the stupid milk," I snap at her. The girl frowns. I must have spoken louder then I thought because Frank walks over to us and puts a protective arm around the girl's shoulders.
"Is there a problem here?" he asks.
"Yes, prissy over here is getting all fussy because she didn't get her soy milk," I inform him, confident that he'd take my side and tell this girl to get a grip.
"The latté was for me," the boy states bluntly.
"He's lactose intolerant," the girl adds, crossing her arms at me.
"If you're going to assume things about people, and intentionally make someone's order wrong, you probably shouldn't work in the food industry. People are trusting you to make their orders correctly, and you could seriously harm someone," the boy states. I flush bright red.
"Whatever," I snap and huff away to remake the stupid latté. I all but shove the drink at the couple before they walk calmly out of the shop. I pout internally for the rest of the day as I stand at the counter of the boring shop.

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