Blair Eldridge - Solangelo

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I tug gently on Hannah's shirt as we walk up to the dining pavilion. I had just arrived at camp this morning and I miss my momma. Hannah said she hadn't been at camp long either, but she reminded me of home, so I kept close.
"Hey Blair-bear!" a tall boy with golden hair like mine exclaims, looking down at me. I hide behind Hannah, but smile up at the boy shyly.
"I'm Will! I'm your cabin councilor and your half-brother," he explains. I look up at Will and tilt my head.
"Are you really the councilor? You spend a lot of time in the black cabin!" I exclaim. Will's face flushes red and the rest of my siblings begin to snicker and nudge eachother.
"How old are you?" Will asks, changing the subject quickly.
"Six!" I say happily, "Now can you anwser my question?" Will's face turns red again.
"My boyfriend is in cabin 13," he mutters.
"I wanna meet him," I decide. My siblings snicker again.
"Lucky for you, Blair-bear, Nico sits with us during meal time," Hannah tells me. I scrunch my nose up at this.
"Why? He's not from our cabin and you said only our cabin can sit at our table!" I say.
"Yes, but Nico has a doctor's note," Hannah explains with a smirk, "isn't that right William?" Will splutters a bit before turning around and storming off to the dining pavilion. I frolick after him with the rest of my new siblings in tow. When we arrive I see a scrawny looking boy with black hair and a really, really big jacket on. He was twisting a skull ring on his finger as he talks to Will. Will towers over the boy and I run up to them.
"Are you Nico?" I ask, looking up at him with large eyes.
"Um, yes?" he replies.
"You don't sound very sure," I say suspiciously. Will laughs.
"Nico, this is our new camper Blair. Blair this is Nico," Will says. I look at Nico again and narrow my eyes at him. I hop up onto a bench and grab hold of a handful of Nico's hair, pulling him down so we were eye level. I give his cheek a poke.
"He's ok I guess," I announce, releasing him from my grip.
"She's definitely your sister," Nico grumbles to Will.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Will asks. Nico just smirks and sits down next to Hannah. I sit down on his other side and Will looks at me and then at Nico. Shaking his head at us, he sits on the other side of me.
"I think I'm going to like it here," I announce.
"Why's that?" Hannah asks, leaning forward to look at me.
"Because. Nico and Will will take care of me," I reply. Nico looks at me. I look back at him. Nico looks up at Will.
"Your sibling, your problem," he says. Will sighs and rolls his eyes at Nico. I shrug my shoulders and give Nico a big hug.
"Will, what is the child doing?" Nico asks.
"Showing affection," Will replies, taking a bite of his sandwich.
"I like you," I tell him, "you can be my papa. I've never had one of those." Nico's face immediately softens at this before he slowly wraps his arms around me too.
"Aww, Neeks, you're going soft," Will laughs. Nico glares over my head at Will. Yes, I'm definitely going to like it here. Nico amd Will will protect me. They'll be my new family.

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