oh, and cap?

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haha wow i updated

y'all know the drill: quentin's 17 (:

rigid jaws and tense shoulders highlighted the boardroom as everyone waited in silence. yet again, tony was late to the meeting.

"this is getting ridiculous—it's been forty minutes!" steve exclaimed angrily, glaring at his teammate's seat. "what could he possibly be doing?"

"steve, maybe something happened," natasha said, rolling her eyes.

the super soldier sighed heavily. "i bet he's out with a one night stand."

"i don't appreciate being called a, "one night stand," rogers."

everyone turned around to see pepper standing in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest. she glared down at the patriot, making him wither in his seat. she strutted in, heels clicking loudly against the floor.

"tony will be here in a few minutes; he's taking care of some stuff."

true to pepper's word, tony entered the boardroom precisely three minutes and twenty-seven point-six seconds later, sunglasses pushed over his eyes. he slid them down his nose, taking a glance at the residents of the room.

"apologies for my later arrival, i was taking care of some business," he said nonchalantly, sliding into his seat. he leaned over and gave pepper a light kiss on the cheek.

"you think you're so great, huh, stark?" steve scoffed, staring at the billionaire. "how was fucking your new bitch?"

"my what?" tony asked, appalled. "steve, what are you talking about?"

steve rolled his eyes, huffing. "you were hooking up with some underage girl, right? i'm sure none of us would put it past you."

"wow, didn't know i was a girl."

everyone turned towards the door to see a teenage boy leaning in the doorframe, arms crossed. purple eyeshadow hooded his eyelids as he stared down everyone in the room.

"so you were hooking up with an underage boy? damn stark, didn't know you were a queer," steve laughed, shaking his head. "of cou-"

"dude, i'm his intern, not his slut," the boy scoffed, pushing himself off the door. "besides, sex isn't my thing, anyway."

natasha stood up and walked over to the boy, eyeing him carefully. she stopped in front of him, just standing in silence for a few moments.

she outstretched her hand, "i'm natasha, and you?"

the teen grinned. "peter," he replied, shaking her hand. "it's a pleasure, miss romanoff."

natasha nodded, a slight smile growing on her lips. she turned to tony, "i like this one."

"well anyways, thank you all for showing up," tony said after a few minutes. "so i'm guessing we've gathered here to talk about a threat of some sorts?"

"yes, spiderman," steve replied, rolling his eyes at the name. "i believe we should take him down, lock him up and keep him there forever."

tony blinked in surprise. "why? he hasn't done anything wrong?"

steve scoffed. "he's a vigilante, stark. who knows what he'll do in the future!"

"how about we just get him under the orders of SHIELD?" wanda suggested. "clearly he knows what he's doing, so why can't we just recruit him?"

"you really think he's going to comply to SHIELD?" peter laughed, grabbing everyone's attention. "that dude has been expertly evading you all for months, of course he's not just going to give up and surrender to y'all."

"shut up, kid," steve ordered coldly, staring the teenager down. "im not going to listen to a boy who wears makeup."

"and i'm not going to listen to a man who should've been dead ten years ago."

"why should i have been dead?"

"hmm i don't know, you're fucking a hundred years old?"

"peter, honey, enough with the teasing; his old heart can't take it," pepper laughed, placing a hand on the teen's shoulder. "why don't you go get yourself a hot chocolate from my office."

"okay!" peter said happily, standing up from his seat. as he was about to leave the room, he turned back, "oh yeah, and can quentin come over later?"

"of course," tony replied. "make sure you're not too loud, all right?"

"all right, mr. stark."

"who's quentin?" clint asked after peter left, looking at the billionaire.

"oh, he's peter's boyfriend—such a nice kid," tony replied with a smile.

"excuse me?" steve exclaimed, slamming his hands down on the table. "did you just say boyfriend?"

"yeah, why?" tony responded, raising an eyebrow.

"so he's gay."


"being gay is a sin!"

"so is checking out a teenager."

"i would do no such thing!"

"i literally saw you eyeing him while we were speaking!"

"boys!" pepper yelled, silencing the room. "enough with your antics; we have things to get done."

minutes passed by and the avengers talked and talked and talked. steve was still grumbling about putting spiderman in jail when everyone else went on about other topics. he holds grudges, if you can't tell.

"hi pepper!"

everyone quieted down and turned toward the door to see peter and a random boy standing next to him. they were holding hands, and peter was slightly leaned up against the taller boy.

"hi quentin, how're you doing today?" pepper replied, flashing a sweet smile.

"i'm doing great, you're hair looks lovely," quentin  complimented. "i see that you're talking to the team, do you want us to leave?"

"no it's quite all right, why don't you two grab a seat?"

peter and quentin sat down in the two empty seats next to tony. they stayed quiet as the adults resumed their conversation.

"can we talk about mysterio? he wrecked havoc on the entirety of europe during the summer," bruce pointed out.

quentin coughed, and peter held in a laugh.

"he needs to be locked up," steve added, shaking his head.

"i don't think that's necessary," tony countered, glancing over at the teenagers. "you don't know his motives or even what went down."

"oh really?" steve asked sassily.

"yes, really steven. you were off the grid, hiding from your troubles."

"i think mysterio's a pretty cool guy," peter piped up with a grin. "and he's really hot."

"i second that," quentin smirked.

"stop flirting at the table," pepper chastised with a laugh.

"what?" peter asked innocently. "i would do no such thing!"

"sure you wouldn't babe."

tony rolled his eyes, but a smile snuck it's way into his lips. "why don't you two go watch a movie or something," he suggested.

"all right, see you guys later!"

peter and quentin walked over to the door, but just as they went to leave, peter turned around.

"oh and cap? i'm spiderman."

steve's eyes widened. "toNY-"

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