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when i reach the chapter limit on this book, should i make another one shot book?

peter had always loved winter.

winter meant snow-days, hot chocolate, and sitting around the fire-place, watching christmas movies with his dad. stephen made sure to take his son ice-skating at least once every winter, and baking sugar cookies on christmas eve was a tradition the two had yet to break. overall, winter was just great.

however, this winter was going to be different.

for starters, stephen's new boyfriend, tony, and tony's daughter mj, we're going to be spending christmas eve with them. peter was hesitant at first, but mj was pretty cool, so he figured they could just screw around while their dads were being a cringy couple.

hopefully they don't get too into it.


"peter, can you get the door? tony and mj are here!"

peter looked up from his phone at his dad's voice, letting out a soft groan. however, he wasn't one to disobey his father, so he got his ass off the couch and trudged towards the front door. they lived in a penthouse condo in one of the most expensive complexes in the state of new york, so hopefully their guests would like it.

"hi there," the fifteen year old greeted warmly as he opened the door, a smile on his lips.

"hey kid," tony said as he and mj walked in. "where's your dad at?"

peter was about to respond as stephen rounded the corner. he looked over to his dad and smiled, extending a hand towards him.

"he's right there," he announced, giving a bow. "welcome, dear father."

"peter, don't embarrass me," stephen laughed, lightly pushing his son's arm. he turned to tony and mj, "come in, come in. you can hang yo ur coats on those hooks over there, and shoes go on these mats."

just like peter had expected, tony and stephen were having a mini-date in the living room, which meant he and mj had to find something to do. i mean, who would want to see your dad make out with someone?

"so, what do you like to do?" peter asked, kicking his feet up on his bed.

"peter, we go the same school."


"come on, you nerd; let's go outside in the snow or some shit."

peter and mj walked side by side down the hall of the complex, bundled up in their winter coats and scarves tied loosely around their necks. their boots clunked loudly against the floor, making peter wince; the sound gave him a headache.

when the duo got outside, mj immediately shoved peter into a snow bank. the fifteen year old fell face first into the white powder, and he honestly hoped it was cocaine.

unfortunately, it was not.

"ha, suck it loser," mj laughed from above him, her cheeks all ready turning a light shade of red from the cold.

"you bitch," peter laughed before grabbing onto her foot, pulling her down next to him.

mj let out a scream as she tumbled into the snow, catching herself before she followed the same fate as peter had just before. peter snickered as mj stared at him, but that soon was replaced by a shriek of terror and a tightly packed snowball to the cheek.


peter scrambled away as another snowball was pelted at his back, making him stumble. he quickly gathered a lump of snow in his hands, forming it into what looked like a ball, and chucked it at his opponent. mj laughed as it barely grazed her shoulder.

"your aim sucks ass."



peter pouted before lobbing another snowball in mj's direction, hitting her on the calf. mj only giggled before shaking the snow off her clothes, cracking her neck.

"c'mon, loser, let's make some snow angels."

the last time peter made a snow angel was when he was five. the lady who ran his preschool took his class outside during the winter and let them loose, allowing them to basically do whatever they wanted. peter and his best-friend-at-the-time ned had a blast.

they don't talk much anymore.

back to the story.

peter collapsed backwards into a pile of snow, laughing as his body sunk down, nestling between the icy crystals. he spread his arms and legs and fanned them out repeatedly, pressing snow out to the sides of his body. he carefully stood up and admired his near-perfect snow angel. (snow angels are oddly sexual now that i think about it.)

"nice, but mine's better."

peter turned and couldn't help but let his mouth fall open at mj's actual perfect snow angel.

"wait, how'd you get up and not ruin it?" he asked in awe.

"magic, you should know, son of wizard."

"hey, my dad's not a wizard!" peter protested, crossing his arms. "he's a master of the mystic arts!"

mj snickered. "so a wizard."

"mjjjjj," peter whined. "he's not a wizard."

"wizard, wizard, wizard," mj taunted playfully, picking up a lump of snow and tossing it in the air. "i'm stephen strange and i'm the most magical wizard of them all!"

"well i'm tony stark," peter retaliated, tossing a small pile of snow at the girl. "i'm the best mechanic in the world!"

"you got that right."

after a little while, the two fifteen year olds got tired of playing outside. the chilly temperature was nipping at their frosted skin and they were ready for fuzzy socks and extra cozy blanket forts.

"so i know your dad is like the tony stark, so does he let you do whatever you want?" peter asked as they trudged towards the elevator.

mj shrugged. "it's pretty much the opposite," she replied. "he's super strict about me dating anyone, so catching a girlfriend is way out of the ballpark. however, my curfew is seven in the morning since his sleep schedule is fucked, so besides dating, having sex, and doing drugs, he's a pretty chill parent."

"life must be great," peter said. "my dad's pretty chill, too. my curfew is like three in the morning on weekends, and he's pretty lax about most things i do. but, he told me i can't get a boyfriend until i'm seventeen."

"let me guess, you have a boyfriend."

"bingo, bitch."

peter opened the door with his key card, allowing mj to walk in first. they removed their winter clothes, leaving them shivering and damp from snow melting inside of their coats.

"c'mon, i'll get us some dry clothes."

the duo led themselves down one of the halls of the large condo, finding peter's bedroom pretty easily. peter grabbed out some sweatpants and sweatshirts from his dresser, tossing a pair of clothes towards mj. he pointed towards the bathroom, to which she happily went to, shutting the door behind her.

"do you want the snowflake socks or the christmas tree ones?"

"gimme the christmas trees," mj replied.

"okay, snowflakes are better."

"no way—christmas trees all the way."

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