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here's a short and cute little fluff one

"I don't understand," Peter complained as he stared at the array of ingredients in front of him. "How the hell am I supposed to make something that actually tastes good without a recipe?"

Pepper laughed softly and ruffled her son's hair, making it stick up in place. "No, Peter. We have a recipe, it's just not one of those awful pre-made cookie doughs you buy at the supermarket," she explained. Peter stared at the containers of flour and different sugars.

"But won't they taste bad? I can't bake to save my life, mom!" the eighteen year old protested.

"Honey, you have to trust me on this. Now will you please get a mixing bowl out from the cupboard?" Pepper asked. Peter nodded and slid with his socks to the other side of the kitchen, opening up a cabinet.

"What size?" he wondered aloud. Pepper smiled to herself, seeming to never get old of her eldest child's antics.

"A large one, honey. It's pink and has rainbow confetti on it," she told him.

Peter stood still for a minute before making a squeaking sound filled with delight. He hurriedly pulled out the pink mixing bowl, shutting the cupboard with the back of his hand.

"Here, mom," he said as he set the bowl on the counter. He was so damn proud of himself for literally no reason at all.

Pepper carefully measured out two and a half cups of flour, handing it to her son to dump in the mixing bowl. Finishing off with the dry ingredients, the mother/son duo set off on the wet ingredients.

"We need the sugars, butter, vanilla extract, and the eggs," Pepper listed off from the small sheet of paper she was holding. Peter nodded enthusiastically before gathering all of the items up, getting them ready for his mom to cream in the electric mixer.

Clouds of flour and multiple foldings of the ingredients later, they nearly had their cookie dough ready. Pepper grabbed a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips and dumped about half of them in, carefully folding them into the delicious mixture.

When her son wasn't looking, Pepper blobbed a tiny bit of the raw cookie down onto her fingers before pressing it to the young adult's nose, giggling as she did so. Peter laughed along with her, smearing cookie dough onto her face instead.

By the time the two had finished, they only made about two dozen cookies since they ate the other half of the batter. What's a little raw egg gonna do to 'ya?

"You think dad's gonna be mad?" Peter asked as he surveyed the extremely messy kitchen. Pepper shrugged, bringing her son into a one armed hug.

"Maybe, but we'll make him clean it up," she replied easily. Peter raised an eyebrow.

"How do you expect him to do that?" he asked. Pepper laughed.

"If he doesn't i'll make him pick up Morgan from daycare, and dye his hair pink," she said. Peter giggled and shook his head, smiling up at his mom.

"Well played, mom. Well fucking played."

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