Coming Out

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lel wade is 17

2,107 words

"Peter, you need to tell them soon," MJ began as they sat in the decathlon room at their school. It was a new addition with the extra donations Mr. Stark had been providing. Peter, who was nearing eighteen, attempting to drown in the massive beanbag he was sitting in, a sigh leaving his lips.

"I-I know, It's just scary..." he replied quietly. MJ sighed, reaching a hand over and patting the teenage boy on the shoulder.

"Peter, I get that- but when I told my mom I was non-binary, it was the biggest relief in the world," they replied. "Besides! You literally have two of the gayest dads ever and two hella gay moms!"

Peter cracked a smile. "Yeah... I guess I do," he replied. You see, Tony and Pepper originally got joint custody with May, but both came out as gay a few years later. Tony soon met Stephen Strange and Pepper developed feelings for Natasha, and you can guess where it went from there.

MJ stretched their arms above their head, a small yawn escaping their lips. "Well Peter, It's nearly six and dinner should be done soon. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" they said as they stood up from the beanbag chair, their loose sweater falling down their figure. Peter nodded and followed suit, having to pull his own tee back down over his midriff.

"See ya, MJ," he said. The two did their secret handshake before leaving the classroom. They went separate directions to their lockers, (which were on opposite sides of the school building.)

Once Peter got to his, he used the metal combination lock to open the locker door, grabbing and shoving his biology textbook inside, as well as his math book. Slamming it shut, the metal against metal echoed throughout the empty halls, creating an eery feeling in the atmosphere. He shuddered before walking down the corridor, soon finding the student entrance and exposing himself to the cool breeze that flowed steadily through the city of Queens.

Peter's extensive hearing perked at a familiar breathing pattern coming from across the road. He peered through the many cars whizzing past, a soft smile forming on his lips as he noticed a figure he knew all too well. A man dressed in some grey sweatpants and a red hooded sweatshirt gave a wave, smirking.

Peter laughed and shook his head as he looked both ways across the street before jogging across, making it to the other side rather quickly. He approached the figure, giving him a tight hug.

"Hey babe," he said after they parted. Peter grinned.

"Hi Wade," he replied. The two locked hands before walking off down the sidewalk, catching curious stares and judgmental side glances from multiple people passing by.

"How was school?" Wade asked as they strolled along, rubbing his thumb along Peter's palm. Peter shrugged, inching a small bit closer to his boyfriend.

"It was all right," he replied. "MJ and I crammed in some extra studying for the next Decathlon meet." Wade nodded, subconsciously beginning to swing their hands back and forth.

"Sounds stupid, all that school stuff. I'm so glad I dropped it," he replied. Peter laughed, smacking Wade's arm.

"Shut up!" he said. Wade smirked.

"And how are you gonna do that, pretty boy?" he asked deviously, winking. Peter mocked a gasp, covering his mouth with his free hand.

"Wade Wilson! How dare you!" he laughed, his bright white teeth glinting in the late sun. As the two walked, Wade couldn't help but fall more in love with his boyfriend, mesmerized by everything about him.

The way his brown eyes glinted in the light. The way his freckles dotted themselves around his cheeks and nose. The way his dimples became noticeable whenever he smiled. The way his chestnut curls bounced around as he took one step after the other.

spiderson oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora