Meeting The Avengers

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To say the Avengers were shocked was an understatement.

They had just finished an extremely long mission that had taken four months to complete and were finally returning home to Stark Tower. Tony, obviously distracted by his newly adopted son, Peter, had complexly forgotten of his friends' arrival, and wasn't expecting them to walk in on him and his son.

Okay, let's rewind a bit.

"Finally!" Clint yelled as Stark Tower came into view. "It's been so long!" The others muttered in agreement as the quinjet touched down on the landing pad, the jet becoming completely still.

"Get me out of this jet..." Bruce murmured to himself before exiting through the opened hatch. Everyone followed suit and strolled into the tower, totally not expecting loud laughs and talking coming from the common room.

"Dad!" a voice shouted, making everyone stop in their tracks. "Stop it! Stop! JARVIS, please, make him stop!" the voice screamed and laughed.

"My apologies, Master Peter, but there is nothing I can do to help you at the moment. But if you ask nicely, than there's a possibility that Boss will end your suffering." JARVIS' voice rang out.

Steve looked over to Natasha who raised her eyebrows.

"Dad!!!" the voice shouted again. "Please!"

"Fine, kiddo," Tony's voice came, chuckling. "Why don't you go grab some ice cream and we can watch some movies until mom gets home."

Footsteps were heard bouncing towards the Avengers, and they were not expecting a teenager to burst from around the corner of the wall. The chestnut haired boy stopped in his tracks with wife eyes as he stared at his childhood heroes.

"D-Dad?" Peter called our wearily, panic beginning to take over. Will they remember me from Leipzig? Are they going to kill me? Is Captain America still mad at me for stealing his shield? These thoughts ran through his mind as he felt the room getting smaller.

"Peter? You need to breathe," Tony's soothing voice came from in front of him. Peter shook his head, getting rid of his clouded vision. He took in deep, steady breaths, trying to rid his fast-beating heart.

Tony turned back to his team. "Well, this is awkward..." he stated, scratching the back of his neck. The Avengers stared at him, some with blank expressions whilst others were shocked. (Well, except for Natasha)

"Hey Peter," she greets, waving with a smile on her face. Peter's face brightens up.

"Auntie Nat!" he says before hugging her tightly. The two had met just before the Avengers had left for their mission. Natasha laughed and ruffled his hair when they pulled apart.

"So..." Tony said, folding his hands. "Peter, meet the Avengers. Avengers, meet Peter, my son."

"I... you have a son?!" Steve exclaims, clearly overwhelmed. Tony nodded.

"I adopted him a few months ago," he casually replied. Steve furrowed his eyebrows but kept silent.

"Um... you might know me from Leipzig..." Peter nervously laughed. The Avengers (besides Natasha and Tony) stared in confusion. Peter bit his lip. "Pew... pew..." he said whilst holding his wrists up in a shooting motion.

Steve gasped at the teen. "You're the Spider-Man kid!" he exclaimed. "I-I dropped a freaking airplane terminal on you!" Peter shook his head.

"It's okay. Besides, I've had worse things dropped on me," he replied. Sam raised an eyebrow.

"And what was that?" he asked, not really believing that anything else could've been worse. Peter took in a sharp breath.

"Well... there might've been a bad guy who kind sorta dropped a building on me?" he stuttered. Steve looked ready to pass out and the others couldn't keep their jaws off the floor. Tony grumbled at the high amount of tension.

"Enough with the stories! Let's have some fun!"

629 words

ughhh this is so short

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