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just because i've seen these going 'round recently.

why not?

tw: mention of past rape and abuse

"Hey, did you hear about the new chemistry teacher? Everyone's been saying he's super hot," Ned says as he and Peter walk the halls of Midtown High. Peter rolls his eyes.

"Of course everyone's going to think he's hot. Because if the facts going around are correct, who wouldn't have a small crush on a guy who's in his early twenties and has a sharp-ass jawline?" he retorts. Ned gapes at the super-human teen next to him.

"Admit it, Peter. You're excited to see who he is!" he whines, dragging his feet. Peter replies with a groan, smacking the tech-geek on the shoulder.

"Shut up, Ted," he teased. Ned frowned, crossing his arms.

"Only Iron Man gets to call me Ted!" he protests.

Finally, the duo make it to chemistry class, filing through the door and taking their seats. The new teacher is sat at his desk, turned around in his chair so no one could see him. Once the final bell rings and everyone is seated, he swivels his chair around and every teenager in that room immediately swoons.

Except Peter.

"Hello class, my name is Skip Wescott, but you all may call me Skip or Professor. Now if you'll allow me to take attendance..." the teachers says.

Peter chokes on his spit, absolutely horrified.


"Here, Professor."




"Here, but I prefer the name Flash."

"Noted, Flash. Ned?"

"H-Here, Professor."


Peter doesn't respond, only stares in Skip's direction. This causes said man to look up, and a smirk plays on his lips.

"Why, hello again, Peter. I didn't expect to see you here..." he drawls, crossing his legs over each other. Peter fumbles with his hands as memories from that dreaded night return to his mind.

"U-Um..." he stutters out as everyone looks between the two, all very confused.

"Professor, you know Parker?" a random kid asks. Skip smiles.

"Oh, I know more about Peter than you think, right, Einstein?" he taunts. Peter grits his teeth, squeezing his eyelids tight.

"I thought you got twenty years in jail..." he hisses, balling his fists. Skip laughs.

"Let me go early, because they didn't believe a thing that came out of your dirty mouth," he replied.

"Why did you come here?" Peter asks quietly.

"Because I wanted to see you, Einstein."

"Don't call me that..."

"Why not, Einstein? Would you prefer me to call you babe?"

Peter slams his fists down on his desk, startling everyone.

"Would you just shut the fuck up?!" he yelled. Skip, seemingly unfazed, laughed and stood up, stalking over to Peter's desk.

"You're a dirty boy, Einstein. Do I need to walk you to detention?" he asked. Peter growled as Skip tried to grab his shoulder, jerking out of the way.

"Don't touch me you sick fuck," he hissed. The teacher chuckled.

"Oh? But you seemed to like me touching you-"

"Liked it?! You fucking raped me!" Peter shouted, shoving Skip away from him. The students gasped in shock- was Peter telling the truth?

Skip grabbed Peter by the collar of his shirt, pulling their faces close.

"Shut the hell up you whore," he grunted before shoving the teen to the ground. Peter only glared up at his ex-babysitter.

All whilst this was happening, Ned was discreetly texting Tony Stark on his phone under the desk, scared for Peter's safety. Who knew what this Skip guy could do?

"Touch me again and you'll regret it," Peter growled as he got onto his feet. Skip mocked him.

"What are you going to do about it, you little slut? Remember when you sucked me off?" he asked.

"I was eight years old. Eight fucking years old and you took advantage of that," Peter said through new-forming tears balancing on his eyelashes. "You raped me when I was helpless- you took my innocence with you when you got arrested!"

Skip glared and swiped at Peter again, grabbing the teen by the locks of brunette hair atop his head. He began dragging Peter out the door when suddenly repulsors were heard from outside the window. Everyone stopped in their tracks as Iron Man himself burst through the glass, advancing toward Skip.

"Put my kid down, Wescott," he demanded, ready to fire at the twenty-two year old. The teacher immediately dropped Peter to the ground, making the teen groan in pain as his head smacked the floor.

"Now, you better run while you can, buddy. And next time, I won't hesitate to shoot your sorry ass to the moon."

And with that, Skip bolted out of the classroom, leaving students shocked in his wake.

Tony quickly stepped out of his suit, bending down to caress Peter's head.

"You okay, kiddo?" he asked, hoisting the seventeen-year old into a sitting position. Peter groaned as his hand went to his head, clutching it in his finger tips.

"I-I think so..." he mumbled. He was about to say something else before he passed out, Tony barely catching him in time before he smacked the floor once more.

The billionaire got back into his suit and picked the unconscious teen up before looking out at the class.

"If anyone hears about this, you're all dead to me. That means you too, Ted."

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