ii. metal spider

43.9K 911 711

-edited 02/08/20-

today was probably the worst day of peter stark's life. not only was it the fiftieth day of his kidnapping by HYDRA, but it was the day designated to removing his arm.

why were they removing his arm? during the initial kidnapping, peter had fought back, surprising the HYDRA agents that had been sent to fetch him. he put up one hell of a fight, too, and ending up breaking his arm so bad that removing it was the only option (for them, at least).

peter sat, emotionless, as he waited for the scientists and lab workers to ready their equipment. the head maniac, patrick venn, wheeled the cart that held the teen's metal arm into the room.

"паук, come in here," patrick said. peter stood up and walked over to the experiment table, hoisting himself up and settling down on the cold metal. he closed his eyes as they inserted a needle full of anesthesia into his arm. soon, his body fell limp and numb, signaling that the boy was out.

"we have to work quick," a petite woman said whilst readying the saw. "his increased metabolism will go through the anesthesia faster than the other soldiers."

an hour into the operation, the team of insane german scientists had successful sawed off peter's right arm, all the way up to his shoulder. "hand me the arm," patrick stated, holding his hand out. the woman from before set the metal arm into her colleague's hand and patrick began to connect the metal contraption to flesh.

he finished connecting peter's veins and nerve endings to the wires and control panels just as the anesthesia was wearing off. "a success!" patrick called out when he attached the last wire. it was just in time, as for peter's eyes cracked open.

"паук, welcome back," patrick said. peter nodded and sat up easily, flexing the metal arm that now belonged to his body. "do you like it?"

peter ran his tongue over his front teeth. "yes sir; thank you," he said quietly. in reality, peter despised the new arm, but he obviously couldn't say that.

patrick and the other scientists began to clean up when a hole in the ceiling caved in, in dropping none other than the avengers. "подавать звуковой сигнал!" (sound the alarm!) patrick shouted before being tackled to the ground by natasha romanov, a.k.a the black widow.

peter immediately jumped off the table and got into a fighting stance, his knees bent and his hands balled into fists. everyone in the room stopped moving, the scientists scared of the boy's mind and the avengers scared of what they turned him into. "паук, why are you just standing there!" patrick  wheezed out, "get  them!"

peter shook his head, readjusting his metal arm. "я не работаю для вас," (i don't work for you) he hissed in fluent russian. peter turned towards the avengers and stood up straight, wiping any emotion from his features.

"father," he stated, looking towards tony (who was in his ironman suit.) tony didn't know what to do, so his took his armored hand and gave a slight wave.

"natalia," Peter said, nodding in natasha's direction. She smiled.

"lovely to see you again, маленький паук," (little spider) she responded. peter nodded once more before walking over to where his family stand, sticking his feet next to clint.

tony took this as his chance to shoot his repulsor beams everywhere, setting the lab into an alarming blaze. he tucked his suited arms under his son's arms and flew up through the ceiling, into the sky. as peter readjusted himself in tony's arms, he stared in awe at the wilderness below him. it had been almost two months since he'd even seen nature of any sort, and it was mesmerizing.

tony flew him and peter about five hundred feet towards the quinjet that the team had come on, setting him down on a table inside. the billionaire quickly stepped out of his suit and touched peter's face, awe-stricken that his son was actually there in front of him.
"p-peter..." he whispered, cupping the boy's cheeks.

peter stared at tony, the tiniest glint of emotion in his dull brown eyes. "hello, father. it's nice to see you again," he said in a slight monotone. tony choked on a sob, realizing that his kid was never going to be the same again.

tony encased peter in his arms and the teen, surprised by the amount of affection, didn't return the gesture until about thirty seconds later, slowly snaking his metal and flesh arms around his father's back.

by now, the whole laboratory had been demolished by the flames, and the rest of the avengers were on their way back to the ship.

"i can't believe we actually found him..." wanda said whilst walking next to clint and natasha. everyone nodded in response.

"fifty days. for fifty freaking days he had to go through so much..." scott muttered, shaking his head. clint stared at them all in confusion.

"is no one going to address that fact that peter has a freaking metal arm?!" he asked, flailing his arms around. everyone came to a halt.

"i didn't even notice..." stebe said, his eyes widening at the realization. "oh my god, am I really that blind?"

same put a hand on the captain's shoulder. "not many of us did, steve. don't beat yourself up over it."

back at the quinjet, tony and peter had just separated from the long hug. it was just now that Tony had taken account of the metal arm connected to his son's shoulder.

"peter... what did they do to you?" he asked softly, tears welling in his eyes. the boy shrugged.

"many things, sir," he replied. tony frowned at the formality.

"no, it's dad- not sir."

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