You Won't Lose Me

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quentin beck is the first mysterio's name
-he is aged down to eighteen in this
-i see him as jake gyllenhaal (is that how you spell it?)

"God, Peter... why are you so perfect?" Quentin mumbled into the younger's chestnut hair as they laid in his bed. Peter giggled and curled closer to his boyfriend's chest.

"Shut up," came his muffled reply. Quentin shook his head, closing his eyes.

"Never, babe. You and I might be completely different, but I'll never stop loving you."


"Who's up for a game of: Never Have I Ever!" Clint shouted as he cannonballed onto one of the couches in the common room. The Avengers all cheered before finding their own seats around the room. Tony ordered Dum-E to get them all drinks as he sat down.

"I'll go first," Bucky said. "Never have I ever... kissed a girl!" Bucky smirked as he saw everyone but Peter and Wanda take a shot. "Stark, you're turn."

"Um.. never have I ever killed a person with a nail file..?" Tony said slowly. Natasha and Clint quickly downed a shot each, satisfying smirks on both their faces.

"Happens more than you think, Stark," Natasha laughed.

"Me next! Never have I ever jumped through a portal," Wanda said. She smirked at Strange who picked up a shot. No one expected Peter to laugh and pick up his apple juice shot and down it.

"What?" he asked after swallowing. "I have connections."

"Oh! I got a good one!" Clint cheered. "Never have I ever kissed or slept with a guy!"

Strange, Natasha, Wanda, Pepper, Tony, Bucky and Peter all took a shot. Everyone stared at Peter, wide-eyed. They had known the guys mentioned before him were all gay or partly-gay, but Peter?

"Oh shush," the seventeen year old web-slinger said. "I have a boyfriend. Speaking of that boyfriend, we're meeting up for coffee in twenty. See you guys later!"

And with that, Peter sprinted off to his room to change, leaving the remaining superheroes dumbfounded.

When Peter got to his room, he nearly crashed into his dresser but righted himself at the last moment. He yanked open the drawer and pulled out ripped black skinny jeans, a white button-down and some black socks. After pulling all of these clothes on, he threw on some all black converse and slid into his bathroom. He proceeded to mess up his hair and apply some Chapstick (which was obviously strawberry, Quentin's favorite) and hurried out the door.


When Peter arrived at the coffee shop, he walked in to see Quentin sitting in a booth, two steaming Styrofoam cups filled with white mocha in front of him. The seventeen year old smiled giddily before walked over, sliding into the seat. The elder boy was wearing some white skinny jeans with a red polo shirt.

"Hey baby," Quentin smiled, pushing one of the cups across the table. Peter nodded in thanks before raising the cup to his lips, taking a small sip. "How was your day?"

"Well," Peter began, "We played a game and I basically came out to everyone." Quentin snorted, a bit of mocha coming out his nose.

"No freaking way," he laughed. "What happened?"

"Never have I ever," Peter replied. Quentin grabbed a napkin and wiped his face before wiping the table.

"That is gold, babe. Fucking gold," he said with a shake of his head.

For the next two hours, the two boys sat and talked nonstop, laughing and sharing small kisses here and there. By the time the clock struck seven, the owner (known as Chris) came over to see how the two were holding up.

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