Chosen One

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"So..." Loki muttered, looking down at the squealing child in his arms. "This is the chosen one?"

Heimdall nods. "Peter Parker, orphaned at the small age of one; has lived in the orphanage for a year. The prophecy tells that it's him," he said. Loki furrowed his eyebrows.

"But what do we do with a two year old? He can't possibly be safe here on Earth if he's the chosen one..." the god of mischief pondered. Heimdall grunted.

"That's why he will grow up in Asgard," he explained. Loki nodded.

"Alright then. Let's go." And with that, they headed back to the Asgardian planet through the Bifrost.

Fourteen Years later- Peter is now sixteen

"Uncle Loki!" Peter laughed as he ran into the large castle, dressed in royal purple drapes. His chestnut hair was all ruffled and his multi-colored eyes shone with glee.

"Good morning to you as well, young Peter," Loki replied, laughing along with the teen. Peter hopped up onto his customized throne, which was adorned with gold and emerald stones, with plush cushions on the seat.

"Is Uncle Thor coming back today?" the teen asked happily, looking up to the god. Loki nodded.

"That's the plan, Peter," he replied. Peter grinned at the response and kicked his feet back and forth.

"When do we start training?" he asked, his eyes flashing from green to purple. Loki thought for a moment.

"Why do we do it now? After all, Thor will surely join us when he arrives," he responded. Peter giggled and jumped onto his feet.

"Let's go!" he exclaimed before running out of the temple. Loki laughed and followed behind the excited teen, but at a much steadier pace.

Ten minutes later, Peter and Loki were in the training stadium. Magical invisible pads lines the walls, the floors were made of shining marble, and huge chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling. Training equipment was kept on the far back wall, in tons of chests and hung on hooks.

Peter removed his royal purple robe to reveal his training outfit: black military pants, a black tank top, and black combat boots. He ran over to the supplies and loaded his belt with magical weapons that only he could use, along with his favorite, sleek silver sword that had emerald jewels embedded in the handle.

Loki used his magic to change into his usual green battle outfit, minus the large golden horns. The two stood on opposite ends of the center circle.

Wisps of colorful magic swirled around Peter's toned and muscular form, adorning him in a beautiful aura of iridescent rays.

"Ready to spar, Young Peter?" Loki asked. Peter grunted, repositioning his feet.

"As ready as I'll ever be," he replied. "Three... two..... GO!"

Peter immediately threw a golden dagger towards his offender, but Loki easily side stepped, casting the weapon into the wall. The god of mischief threw green spike and green spike towards the teen, but Peter put up a protective barrier and sent them all into the void with an advanced portal spell.

This battle lasted for an hour before Peter finally decided to make the final move and win. He unsheathed his sword and expertly twirled it in his fingers before slamming it down into the ground, creating a shockwave to echo throughout the stadium.

Loki fell to his knees and Peter teleported over and held the sword to the god's throat. "Mercy," Loki said, gently pushing the sword away from his neck.

"I win!" Peter cheered, eyes turning to a beautiful baby blue mixed with purple.

"Indeed you did, young one," Loki chuckled, standing up. He took a deep breath before cracking his back. Without warning, a bright white light flashed before them before Thor stood, eyes crinkling.

"That was a very good fight, brother! Great job Chosen One!" the god of thunder congratulated. Peter smiled up at his third mentor with happiness.

"Thank you Uncle Thor!" the teen said. Thor smiled.

"Of course, young one. And brother, I have brought guests with me!" he exclaimed. Loki groaned.

"Brother I swear if it's those stupid Aven-" he was cut off by a masculine voice.

"Who is that child, Thor? And why did he call you uncle?" Steve Rogers questioned from where he stood aside his fellow teammates. Peter immediately went shy and his eyes turned to a blushing red.

"Oh this child? This is Peter, Asgard's Chosen One!" the god of thunder boomed. (heh heh... get it? cause thunder goes boom? no? i'll go now)

"Chosen One? What are you talking about?" Clint Barton asked curiously. Loki smiled down at the teen stood beside him.

"Peter here was destined by the prophecy to protect and rule Asgard," he said. Peter grinned sheepishly, looking down at the marble flooring.

"How old is this kid? He looks like he's thirteen!" Tony Stark exclaimed, amused at the fact the boy looked so young. "Is he human?"

"He's sixteen and Peter's a type of hybrid? It's the best word to explain him! He had human parents, but the elder Asgardian rulers chose him to possess the magical touch of my great great ancestor," Thor explained with a heart chuckle.

"So he has powers?" Bucky asked, dumbfounded. Loki nodded.

"Would you like to show them Peter?" the god of mischief asked the quiet child. Peter gave a slight nod before closing his eyes. You could see the colors brightening behind his eyelid and when he opened them, they were changing hues at a fast rate.

Colorful wisps of magic swirled around his form, and soon an aurora shot up into the air, expanding into a massive light show. The Avengers amazed by this, staring up in awe as the magic twirled around.

Peter's sword (that he had dropped once defeating Loki) gravitated towards him much like Thor's mighty hammer. The teen caught the sharp blade between his pointer finger and thumb before lightly tossing it into his other hand.

"Wow..." Natasha whispered as the magic began to fall down in little balls of color She caught one in her hand, inspecting the glowing ball.

"He's going to save the world," Loki said as magic rained down on them. Thor smiled.

"Is it that much of a surprise?"

1040 words

should this have a part two?

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