romeo and juilet, but gayer

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okay i made steve and tony together in this because i couldn't do this to my baby stephen. i'm straight gagging—

peter looked up with teary eyes at his boyfriend, hands clutching the oversized sweater nearly falling below his knees.

"what are we gonna do?" he choked out, a tear slipping down his red cheek.

"we'll do it, i promise," quentin said softly, grabbing peter's hand. "we'll make it work."

"b-but my dads—"

"screw them," quentin laughed, bringing a hand up to caress his boyfriend's cheek. "you don't need them to make it in life."

"everything about us is so wrong," peter mumbled sadly, looking up as more tears balanced on his eyelashes. "people like us aren't suppose to mix. you're the villain and i'm the hero--they don't want us together."

"since when did you start caring what other people thought?" quentin asked, shaking his head. "I love you so fucking much, peter; us being from two completely different ends of the spectrum isn't going to change that."

"my dads are looking for you, especially tony. what's going to happen if they catch you? what are you going to do?" peter asked, biting down on his lip. "they're going to take you away from me."

"i won't let that happen," quentin argued. he turned away and grabbed one of his rings. "here, take this," he said gently, placing it in peter's palm. "if they somehow get me and we get separated, remember me, okay? don't forget about me."

"o-okay," peter whispered, nodding to himself. "i love you."

quentin laughed and bent down, placing a gentle, lingering kiss on his boyfriend's lips.

"i love you too."


a couple months had passed and peter's worries became reality.

here he was, trying to hold back his sobs as his dads restrained a struggling quentin, the eighteen year old thrashing violently.

"let me go!" he yelled out, gritting his teeth. "you don't understand!"

"oh we understand all right, buddy," tony seethed, kicking the back of quentin's knee and making him fall to the muddy ground. "think you're so smart, huh?"

peter winced as tony delivered another harsh kick to his boyfriend's stomach. he brought up his hand and traced the ring that sat snuggly under his spandex suit by a small chain looped through the whole. he turned away, unable to watch.

"you're going away from a long time," steve growled as he slapped handcuffs around quentin's wrists. "i'll give you credit for evading us for so long, but now you're screwed."

"you don't know what you're doing," quentin pleaded, a look of desperation washing over his face. "please don't do this."

"'please don't do this,'" steve mocked, rolling his eyes. "spiderman, head back to the tower, now. i don't want you seeing this."

peter turned back to his dads and made eye contact with quentin. the older boy nodded and motioned for him to go, mouthing a quick, "i love you," to him. peter nodded and sniffed before running off.


peter was at the tower for three entire hours before his dads showed up. by steve's badly bruised and bleeding knuckles confirmed his fears and he almost started crying right then and there.

"wh-where is he?" the seventeen year old asked timidly as his pops wrapped his hands.

"he's with SHIELD—they're gonna take care of that sucker," the super-soldier replied with a slight scoff. "took us three years to get that bastard in."

"language, dear," tony chastised with a shake of his head. he turned to peter, "why'd you ask, kiddo?"

"um, just curious."


peter shuffled into SHIELD headquarters two weeks later, swallowed in one of quentin's hoodies, clutching the ring around his neck. he waved to one of the agents working the front desk as he passed (they were buddy-buddies), and quickly went to the secret elevator that went up to fury's floor.

he pressed his hand against the scanner and let out a breathy sigh as he felt the elevator lurch upwards, the quick ascent making him dizzy. when the doors opened, he was met with maria and fury sitting at the conference desk, chatting quietly.

"h-hi uncle nick, hi miss maria," he stuttered out shyly as he walked into the room, catching the attention of the two agents.

"peter, what are you doing here? especially at two in the morning?" maria asked, surprised to see the boy.

"um... i wanted to talk to you guys about, uh, mysterio," peter replied quietly, sitting down in one of the plush seats. "i need to see him."

"why? he's a criminal," fury said. "what could you possibly need to see him for?"

"i just.. i need to, okay?"

peter's grip tightened around the small ring around his neck and his teeth sunk into his bottom lip anxiously. maria and him made eye contact for moments, realization flooding her features.

"you two have something going on, don't you..." she said slowly, head slightly tilting. "peter—"

"please let me see him," the seventeen year old blurted. "miss maria, i can't, please." he was practically begging.

maria looked over to fury who had figured it out. he sighed and shrugged, rubbing a hand down his face.

"all right, only because you're my nephew," he finally said after a minute. "take the elevator down to sub-level fifteen; he's in the third room on the right."

when peter made it down to where quentin was staying, his breathing was staggered with every step he took. he clutched the key that maria had given him and it took him several tries to even get it into the lock since he was shaking so bad. when he was finally able to get them all open, he pushed the door open cautiously.


quentin immediately turned around, happiness washing over him.

"peter!" he exclaimed, sitting up on his small bed. he was about to get up when confusion struck him. "wait, how'd you get down here?"

"fury gave me the key," peter whispered, fully entering the room. "c'mon, i'm gonna get you out of here."

"peter, where am i gonna go? my apartment is probably gone—"

"i have a place in canada—one of my friends has a summer house there," the seventeen year old explained quickly, undoing quentin's handcuffs. "we're gonna head up there by train; i all ready booked the tickets."

"peter, what about your parents?" quentin asked as the handcuffs fell onto the bed.

"screw them."


"steve, mysterio escaped."

steve looked up from reading the newspaper, eyes widening. "what?" he asked. "how do you know?"

tony let out a shuddering breath. "fury called."

"fuck," steve grumbled, setting the paper on the coffee table. "do we have any leads?"

"no, but..."

"but what?" steve asked desperately as he stood up. "tony, talk to me."

tony blinked back tears.

"peter left last night and went to SHIELD. he got mysterio out—they're both gone."

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