Help Me pt.1

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tw: trans!peter, sexual, verbal, and physical abuse as well as mention and slight description of rape.

this one-shot is heavily censored for all my younger readers, but it still holds quite graphic scenes, so be wary of them.

this was supposed to be one chapter, but i needed to get something posted so i'm splitting it up.

enjoy this 2000 word wonder

Peter trudged through the front door of his and May's apartment, his school bag hanging from his shoulders and his earbuds barely dangling from his ears. He popped his MP3 player into his pocket after turning off his music, unplugging the now-silent earbuds from his ears. He immediately grimaced at the sound of May and her boyfriend, Nick, speaking and laughing in the kitchen, just a few feet away.

Unwillingly, Peter dragged his feet towards the kitchen, quickly catching the attention of the couple. May smiled brightly and stood up, embracing Peter in a massive hug.

"Oh, Petey! How was school and the labs?" she asked gleefully, rubbing the nape of his neck with her fore-finger and thumb. Peter internally cringed and expertly hid a flinch at the sudden contact, but made sure to shrug it off before replying.

"School was good- aced my bio quiz. Labs were super fun though! Mr. Stark and I accidentally blew up Mark 52's internal hard drive, through," he replied, separating from the hug. May pinched his rosy cheeks before moving to sit back down in her seat at the bar.

"Sounds wonderful, sweetie. Dinner's just about done, so why don't you go wash up and come back out to set the table?" she offered. Peter only gave a nod as his answer before retreating to his room, shutting and locking his bedroom door behind him.

A soft sigh escaped his lips as his backpack slid off his shoulders, hitting the ground with a thud. He moved towards his dresser, pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a science tee which read, "Never Trust an Atom. They Make Up Everything!" Once discarding his school clothes, Peter pulled on the fresh clean ones before walking into his own bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Peter stared into the mirror as his hands gripped the granite counter near the sink, his fingers rubbing against the smooth stone. He examined his features- they were feminine and soft, not like a real man's. He noticed how his chest popped out a little more than all his friends, because his stupid bandages couldn't hide him well enough. Yeah, Peter knew that using bandages wasn't a good idea to bind with, but he didn't want to bother May with purchasing a proper binder for him.

She had to work extra hard lately anyways since a third person was added to their life, and Nick didn't contribute anything besides buying alcohol and cigarettes. So no, Peter wasn't about to ask his aunt to buy him a binder- besides, he was getting off fairly well with this option... right?

Shaking his head, Peter turned on the faucet and dipped his hands into the cool water, wetting them before pumping soap into his palm. After scrubbing it around his skin, he rinsed the soap off, turned off the faucet with his wrist, and turned around to dry his hands on the hand towel that hung on the wall.

Peter left the bathroom and his bedroom, going out into the kitchen where Nick and May were flirting and laughing as their wine glasses clinked together. Peter didn't want to protrude into their happy moment, so he was as quiet as he could be while setting the small dining table, placing plates, napkins, silverware and cups of water at their places.

Right on time, the oven beeper loudly, signaling that the food was done cooking. May giggled as she escaped Nick's warm hold and grabbed the oven mitts, using them to take the pan of chicken out and place it on a trivet. She carried it to the table, placing it right in the middle. Peter and Nick slid into their seats as May finished grabbing the extra side dishes before sitting down herself, a smile lighting up her face.

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