school shooter

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disclaimer: i wrote a similar one shot to this about a year ago. i decided to redo it because i didn't like it

peter felt off.

ever since last night, his anxiety has been clawing at his chest, sending him into oversensitivity. it was all ready bad enough with his spider-senses whacking him in the face twenty-four seven, and this newfound paranoia was killing him.

"dude, are you okay?" ned asked as the two sat in chemistry.

peter nodded slightly, bouncing his leg repeatedly. "i-i'm fine," he muttered out, trying to focus on his worksheet.

"are you sure?"

"yes, ned!" peter growled. ned shied away, and guilt smacked peter in the face. "i-i'm sorry, i'm just really anxious. shit, dude."

"it's good," ned replied uneasily, keeping his distance from his friend. "just, try to call down, okay? i don't think you can handle a panic attack right now."

peter nodded and looked back at his worksheet, squinting as the numbers blurred together on the page. his fingers shook violently, causing the pencil in his hand to clatter onto the desk, the plastic supply banging loudly on the wood.

"mr. parker, is there a problem?" miss brewster asked lamely, looking up from grading tests.

"n-no ma'am, i-i'm f-fine," peter stuttered out, squeezing his fingernails into his palms, causing crescent shaped indents to form.

suddenly a loud bang shook the classroom, causing students to gasp. two more bangs went off and miss brewster shot up from her desk, hurrying to the door and locking it.

"everyone, get to the other side of the room. flash, brad, put these desks in front of the door," she ordered, flicking the light switch to off.

flash and brad were quick to stack four desks in front of the door before running over to their classmates, getting down on the floor. peter pulled ned down with him, crouching on his knees as he tried to listen.

"peter! get down!" ned whispered, tugging at his friend's sweater.

peter shushed him. "be quiet."

footsteps. one, two, five, ten; holy shit, there's fifteen of them. peter cursed quietly under his breath and sank down to the floor, resting his head against the wall. he had no way to contact mr. stark, since brad had broken his stark-watch the day prior.

the door rumbled aggressively, the lock on the door jiggling. grunts were heard from the other side of the door, and the class held their breaths.

until the door got kicked down.

students immediately screamed in terror, but a few glares from the intruders shut them up.

"get their phones, watches, computers, anything. get all technology off of them, now," the tallest, whom peter assumed was the leader, ordered.

six of the fifteen gunman advanced, and students were quick to throw their phones and smart watches at them, shaking in fear. one of the shorter ones came up to peter and ned, holding his hand out expectantly, blue eyes meeting brown ones.

"c'mon kids, i don't have all day," he spat out, flexing his hand. "drop your shit or get shot, your choice."

ned immediately flung his electronics into the man's hand, but peter dismissed both of them. he stared at the man with bored, tired eyes, silently daring him to do something.

"hand 'em over kid," the man instructed again, flexing his palm. "i will shoot you." he looked hesitant.

"been there, done that," peter retorted lazily, leaning back against the wall. "y'know, just for future reference," he paused, "cover your license plates. I'm sure you don't want the cops to hunt you down, huh?"

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