Peter, Your Kid's on the Ceiling

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hi, not to be that person but go check out "Team Spider"


"I'll see you after school, okay muffin?"

"But daddy, I don't want you to leave."

Peter sighed and crouched down, holding his hands out. His three year old daughter, Blake, took his hands, a pout on her lips.

"Blake, hun, daddy's got to go to school. If you're good for Uncle Clint and Auntie Nat, I'll take you out for ice cream later," he bribed. Blake thought for a moment before nodding.

"Okay daddy," she said. Peter smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"Okay princess. I'll see you later," he promised. "I love you."

"I love you too," Blake giggled before Peter gave her a right hug. They separated and Peter stood, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"Bye Clint, Bye Nat," he said as he walked to the elevator. The two Avengers waved him off, heading to the playroom with Blake.


"I think she has separation anxiety," Peter inquired as he and MJ sat in biology class, working on an assignment.

"Probably. I mean you dropped regular school for two years before coming back, so she's probably not used to you leaving her every day," she agreed.

"It kills me, y'know? Seeing her all sad when I tell her I've got to go to school. Her eyes get all teary and I-" Peter cut himself off, placing his head in his hands. "She's my everything. I hate seeing her upset."

"That's normal, Pete," MJ soothed, rubbing his back. "You're a fucking dad, a single dad at that, and yet you give her the whole damn world. She understands why you have to leave her during the day."

"It still hurts," Peter whispered. "Jesus Christ I'm so pathetic sometimes."

"Peter," MJ warned, raising an eyebrow. "If you keep putting yourself down, I'm going to backhand you across the face. You're a great dad. She's alive because of you."

"Mr. Parker, Miss Jones, what is more important than your homework?" Mr. Pence asked from his desk.

Everyone in the classroom turned to look at the duo who were seating in the back, embarrassed smiles on their faces.

"Sorry, Sir," Peter apologized.

"I'm not sorry," MJ sassed. Mr. Pence raised an eyebrow.

"Don't get smart with me, Miss Jones," he said. MJ snickered before turning back to her homework.

Minutes passed by and everything was silent, that is, until Peter's phone started ringing. An embarrassed blush rose to his cheeks as everyone stared at him.

"Peter, answer the phone. Speaker phone," Mr. Pence said.

"H-Hello?" Peter asked timidly after he answered. A giggle came from the other end before a voice came.

"Peter dammit- It's Clint. Your fucking kid is on the ceiling."

"What?!" Peter exclaimed. "Are you actually serious?"

"Of-fucking-course I am! She's on the damn ceiling and I can't get her down! Nat's gonna kill me!"

"...Parker has a kid? That's on the ceiling?" Cindy whispered to the Flash. The latter just shrugged, mouth dropped.

"Blake baby," Peter started, earning confused glances. "You need to get off the ceiling. You might fall."

A high-pitched, giggly "no!" came from the phone, making Peter roll his eyes.

"Blake Evelyn Parker, if you do not get off the ceiling right now, you're not getting ice cream later."

A gasp was heard from the phone before a relieved sigh came through.

"Jesus, thanks Peter. Did you already know that she inherited your spider pow-"

"And that's enough, Clinton."

"Shit, my bad kid. Anyway, I'll see you after school—I'm gonna put Blake down for her nap. She's tired out."

"Okay, thanks again for watching her Clint."

"No problem, arachnid boy."

And with that, the line went dead.

"Peter, what was that?" Ned asked slowly. Peter bit his lip nervously as eyes bore into his soul.

"I, um-" he stuttered out.

"It's his personal business," MJ interjected, glaring at everyone who challenged her. "You didn't need to hear that conversation, so don't talk about it."

"But that Clint guy said someone was on the ceiling-" Abe stared, but cut himself off as MJ stared him down.

"And?" she asked.


"Shut up."

"Parker, do you have a kid or something" Flash asked uneasily.

Peter shoved his face into his hands, a frustrated sigh escaping his lips. They weren't supposed to find out this way, let alone at all.

"Yes, I have a kid,"  he answered after a minute, looking up. "I have a three year old daughter named Blake."

"Who's the mom?" Cindy asked.

"G-Gwen Stacy," Peter answered.

"But she's-"

"Yeah, I know she's dead, dumbass. I'm a single dad at eighteen years old, go ahead and judge me," Peter groaned, slamming his head on the table.

It was silent for a minute before Flash spoke up, shocking everyone.

"You've got my respect, Parker," he stated, making the latter look up. "It's probably not easy managing school and having a toddler. That's some tough shit."

"I agree with Flash," Cindy added. "I love how you kept her even though you knew you'd have to do it alone."

Peter smiled shyly, fiddling with his thumbs. The class sat in an uncomfortable silence once more.

"Um, Mr. Parker, I think you should go home and get some rest after this... eventful day," Mr. Pence suggested awkwardly.

Peter nodded numbly before standing up, hiking his backpack over his shoulder. He waved by to MJ before walking out of the room. The class waited a few minutes before anyone spoke.

"So like... why was his kid on the ceiling?"

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