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okay so i typed like half of this chapter in all lowercase before i realized it so i just rolled with it lmao

trigger warning: use of offensive and homophobic slurs, invalidation of sexuality

peter parker lived a double life, and not the one you're probably thinking of.

you see, ever since peter was eight years old, he couldn't stop admiring the girls and boys in his school. he knew it was different since all his friends only had crushes on girls, but he figured it wasn't anything to worry about, that it was just some silly phase that everyone goes through in their life.

oh boy was he wrong.

he learned what the lgbtq community was when he was twelve. when he read what the term bisexual meant, he cried. why did he cry, you may ask? he cried because he knew that it wasn't normal, and that the people around him would think he's weird and disgusting for liking the two binary genders.

so ever since he was twelve, he's lived a double life. to his family members, teachers, and many of his classmates, he was peter parker, nerdy straight boy who likes playing with LEGO. but to his close friends and anywhere online, he was peter parker, bisexual god who wore cute clothes and listened to indie music.

peter's sixteen now, and is still a closeted bisexual. he's only come out to his best friends ned, mj, and flash, and still uses his second accounts on social media to flaunt his sexuality.


it was a normal wednesday morning.

peter was getting ready for school, and he was drinking a homemade iced latte out of a mason jar while he walked around in his boxers, curly hair still damp from his shower. he had over an hour before he had to leave for school, so he had plenty of time to just lounge around his apartment. may had already left for work, so he was safe to do whatever the hell he wanted.

"i'm telling you, vanilla is so much better than mocha," peter pressed as he flipped his eggs, glancing over at his phone; mj was on the screen, doing her makeup.

"mocha is way better than vanilla you dumb bitch," she replied, rolling her eyes. "besides, you're just another white boy, you don't know anything about taste."

"excuse me?" peter gasped dramatically, placing his hands over his chest. "i am not just another white boy! i'm a white boy that likes other boys!"

"oh my bad. let me correct myself; you're just another gay white boy who doesn't know anything about taste," mj replied, sarcasm dripping from her tone like venom.

"hey hey hey, i'm only half gay," peter corrected, giggling to himself.

"whatever you say."

"i'll see you at school mj," peter said as he slid his eggs onto a paper plate. "i'm gonna eat then get ready."

"see you later, loser." she hung up the call.

peter ate his eggs silently, his soft chewing the only sound echoing around the empty apartment. he and may were working on moving out to their new home in brooklyn, so everything was packed away in boxes and in the living room, leaving the tiny apartment barren. of course it'd be a while before they actually left; they still had a month left on their contract.

after finishing his eggs, peter tossed his paper plate and wandered off to his bedroom, adjusting his boxers on his way there. he scoured through his dresser, unwillingly looking passed his stylish clothes and to his nerdy ones. he pulled out a science pun tee and some grey jeans, tugging them on and smoothing out his shirt.

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