I must get this relic. Before Ozpin. Before Ironwood.

They will not hurt anyone else.

I doubled my pace as I made my way to Haven and within a day I managed to make it. I slammed open the door to the academy and Leo panicked and fell as he was climbing the steps.

(Y/N): Try not to stumble Leo. I know Raven had asked you to send them here before we attacked.

Leo: Y-You.

(Y/N): Yes. Me. Now get in position.

I walked to him as he scrambled up the stairs and I jumped up to the second floor ontop the statue and hid along the pillars which hold the building up. The door slammed open and footsteps walked in.

Leo: Why hello... Thank you for coming.

I heard him stumbling and frowned. Such a coward.

Leo: There seems to be more of  you, than last time...

Qrow: Eh, you know what they say. The more the merrier. So whats going on with the council.

Leo: Why... Did you bring the weapons..?

I facepalmed as as he asked such a ridiculous question.

Qrow: What..? Leo, we're huntsmen. Are you okay?

Leo: Of course. Of course... Sorry. Just haven't had my evening coffee.

Qrow: Look its nice to see you, but we got work to do. Are we getting support from the council or not?

Yang: Mom?

I tensed and looked down and saw Raven's weapon sticking out. I heard a weapon drawn and jumped aside as it hit the pillar I hid behind.

(Y/N): Sorry. Mama bird is busy.

Jaune: (Y/N)..!

Ruby: (Y/N)..?

I jumped down and landed next to Leo, walking behind him and to his side.

(Y/N): She couldn't put up much of a fight either. Pity.

Qrow: Kid... What are you doing?

(Y/N): Doing what I have to, Qrow.

I walked down the staircase and stood infront of them.

(Y/N): I'm doing what I must do. Im tired of Ozpin's lies. Im tired of Ironwood's plans. They hurt my team. I want revenge.

Qrow: Kid, there's a reason-

I pulled out my weapon as they rushed to pull out theirs.

(Y/N): There was a reason for you trying to attack your own sister too, right?

Qrow looked to Leo, shocked.

Qrow: Leo... What have you done..?

(Y/N): He did what was necessary. Why join someone on a losing end?

Qrow: (Y/N). Don't.

(Y/N): Team RWBY and JNPR. Well... Missing of the few excluded. Do you know why Leo did this?

Qrow: (Y/N). Stop-

Jaune: Why.

I eyed Jaune and gave a sad smile.

(Y/N): Because my mother cannot be killed.

The shock on their faces was... Satisfying to say the least.

Weiss: Can't be killed? Anyone can be killed.

(Y/N): Let me tell you a story. Salem... was just a girl. Ozpin, was just a man. A girl locked away and was saved by him. But when he passed from sickness, the girl angered the gods to bring him back.

Yang: Get to the point.

I chuckled.

(Y/N): The gods made her immortal. That was her punishment. She roamed remnant to try and kill herself when she decided... If the pool of life did this to her, the pool of death will kill her. So she became mother of grimm.

Qrow tried to strike at me but I blocked him easily.

(Y/N): Ozpin had died. But was reborn. To stop Salem. But instead they fell in love once again. Like a fairy tale. They had kids. The Maidens and I. But Ozpin tried to take us away. Mother found out and in their battle... We died. Powers transferred to new people while I was rebirthed.

Ruby: How do we know you aren't just bluffing?!

(Y/N): That is for you to ask Ozpin. Right?

I pushed Qrow back and turned to face the statue, I attacked the air as a portal appeared.

Qrow: That's....

(Y/N): Raven's Semblance. She had a good one. One I will keep.

A fireball suddenly came out and hit Ruby straight on the chest, causing her to be thrown back with a shout of pain.

Yang: Ruby!

Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Damien and Reol came out of the portal.

Cinder: Hello boys and girls.

Ruby: Cinder...

Ozpin's group were more tensed now. I eyed them all carefully.

Mercury: C'mon guys. Is that anyway to greet your old friends?

Yang wanted to punch Mercury until Qrow stopped her.

Qrow: Everybody stay calm.

I smiled as the doors open and I saw Hazel. He looked to me and nodded as he closed the doors behind him.

Hazel: The white fang is prepping demolition and securing the school grounds. No ones getting in, but no ones getting out.

(Y/N): Reol.

Reol: On my way Boss.

In a split second, she was next to Hazel.

Reol: Pretty please let me through?

Hazel huffed and she walked out, Hazel jamming the door once she was gone.

Qrow: (Y/N)... How long have you been planning this?

I looked down with a small frown.

(Y/N): I planned it when I was captured. Once I realized what was done to my team. Once I realized what was done to me!

I glared at Oscar when I yelled it out. Damien placed a hand on my shoulder. I hissed in pain as the Grimm blood boiled. Black shadows raced along my arms before disappearing.

(Y/N): Damien, Mercury, Hazel and Cinder. Deal with them. I will go down with Emerald and get the relic.

I backed away, breathing hard.

(Y/N): Watch the blondie.

Mercury: The girl or the girl?

(Y/N): The boy. His semblance awakens here. Keep on your toes.

I turned around and gestured Leo to come down as the group talked. He did so willingly as he activated the elevator.

I heard fighting behind me as the elevator turned. I looked to Emerald and she nodded to me as we went in.

(Y/N): Going down.

Emerald: Falling down at this point.

(Y/N): I suppose.

Before the elevator went down I saw Hazel was hesitant of fighting.

(Y/N): Hazel. That kid over there. The farmer boy. Is Ozpin.

Hazel's eyes widened, his head whipping to Oscar.

Hazel: Ozpin..? Ozpin..!!!

I saw nothing else as the elevator fully went down.

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