Death and it's Family (27)

Start from the beginning

      She laughed softly “You’ll probably never speak to me again. I wouldn’t speak to me either.”

      There was silence for a while.

      “We all lost someone important that day. But somehow, with each other, we have been able to cope. Ryan though, he just couldn’t find happiness again. The group isn’t going to be the same with out them.” Her voice began to stammer “But I-I won’t be able to survive if you don’t come back to us. Abi, please, just open your eyes.”

      I wanted to wake up. I wanted to wake up and just tell her that it’s ok and I’m sorry for being away for so long. But my body just didn’t want to listen.

      Sniffling she whispered “I should have listened to you. I should have just let you go otherwise we wouldn’t be in this mess. I’m so incredibly sorry Abi, and I promise if you just open your eyes I will make up everyone of my mistakes and be there for you.” She tightened her grip on my hand “Cause that’s what friends…that’s what best friends do.”

      My body moved as the space beside me was taken up by the sad voiced woman.

      Her arms wrapped around my waist and her head lay softly against my chest. I could hear and feel everything. The tears that ran onto my skin. Her heartbeat the pounding against my side. Even the kiss on my cheek.

      Whoever this woman is, I must mean a lot to her. I have to get better for her.


      “Miss, it’s been nearly a year now, we just don’t have the resources, have you thought about-”

      “No. Shut up! I will not give up on her! She is going to get better! She’s a fighter!” The familiar velvet voice yelled, her voice shaking with fear and sadness.

      Her hands clasped mine and I felt a kiss against it. Soft as her velvet voice.

      “I will never give up you.” She whispered.


      Another argument. I’d been hearing many of these for a long time. This time it was a different voice though.

      “Sweetie, I know this is difficult, but we have to face facts.” An older sounding woman said, her voice hoarse and croaky as if she’d been crying. “We hate this as much as you do, but it’s been eighteen months. I think it’s time we switch her off.”

      But my velvet angel wouldn’t have it “I have no disrespect for you Mr and Mrs Chambers, but you have no idea the extent of how much I hate this.”

      She was angry, very angry. “Abi is MY best friend! We have been through everything together! She has never given up on me and I her. I will not give up now because of what the doctors say! She lost Jasmine, but I will not have her loose my faith in her! I’m sorry, but, no!”

      A male voice sighed “I’m sorry to do this, but…you are not family. Once we make this decision you cannot change it. You have until the end of the day.”

      Her voice caught in her throat as the Cha- my parents footsteps retreated from the room. But a footstep faltered.

      “And Lizzie,” Mum said, her voice filled with new tears “Thank you for loving my daughter…and we are sorry that it has to end like this.”

      She didn’t answer. She didn’t say or do anything until the door closed. It was only when the door closed that she began to sob uncontrollably.

Vision of Love  {Watty Awards 2012} (LGBT love and fantasy romance)Where stories live. Discover now