I look to Alfred who's looking between us. "Word must have not gotten to you. This is my husband. Jean Jacques Concillion the III." I say in the Saxon language and Bjorn raises a brow. King Alfred speaks up. "It is nice to meet you King Jean Concillion the III ." I speak to Jean in Frankish and he then bows to Alfred. He speaks to me in his language. I look to Alfred and speak. "He says that he is honored to meet you." Alfred smiles to him and nods. I place my hand onto jeans arms and we step together into the castle. We are led to the small dining room where I am sat down next to Laergatha and Bjorn is infront of Jean.

I purse my lips and look to Laergatha. "How have they treated you." She nods and looks to me. "Nicely." She smiles to me and looks over to Heahmund, then back to me. "How has your husband treated you?" I smile softly and look to him then back to her. "Lovingly." She lets out a soft laugh. "Poor Man doesn't understand our language as well as the saxons here." I nod and sigh. "I know. But it shall be fine." I looking over to Jean as he practically stares at Bjorn. Bjorn stares right back at him. You can almost see the jealousy in Bjorn's face as he takes a bite of bread served to him. Like he is a prey in the wild trying to mate with another's mate. Trying to scare Jean. But he doesn't seem frightened.

I clear my throat and he looks to me. I raise a brow to him and he takes that as a cue to look towards someone else. I lean to Jean and speak to him. "What is the matter my love?" He looks towards me and sips his wine. "Why does he look at me such a way? Like he is to rip my head from my shoulders and eat my insides?" I let out a soft laugh and shake my head. "Don't worry.. That's how he looks.." I sip my wine as well and Jean leans back in his seat. "He does not look at you that way." He says and you can tell he knows I'm keeping it from him.

He speaks up and takes my hand. "Is that one of them? The ones you bedded?" I almost spit my wine out as he asks. "Not now my love.." I say softly and look to him. He nods and looks to Bjorn again as he sips his wine. The eye contact starting once more.

Throughout dinner I have to tell Jean what everyone speaks of and what he says. A lot of it was talk on how we met and how we married and if there were children soon.

Jean and I take steps through the castle to our room. I get in and start taking the armor from my body and laying it to the ground. Jean does the same but I can feel eyes upon me. "Now are you to answer my question?" He speaks softly and sits down on the bed. I sigh and look to him, pulling my hair from its style.

"Yes. My love. He is one." I purse my lips and I am ready for the disappointment when I look to him and his hand is held out for me. I let out a breath and take it. He leads me to his lap and pulls me into it. "I am not mad. How could anyone resist you?" He strokes my cheek. "I just would like to know these things before I am dead for marrying a woman that was wanted by someone else."

I kiss his fingers and look to him. "You are too good to me my love." I speak softly and press my lips against his, resting my forehead to his. "Please do not leave me here alone..." I speak to him and he nods. "I will fight until I see you again." He watches me and smiles softly. "I love you and if you are to have my children. I must live.." he lets out a soft laugh and kisses my cheek. "Come. We must sleep so we can wake up to train my love." He lays me down  and lays beside me, wrapping his arms neatly around me.

"I want to be stronger than Bjorn." The way he says it is funny due to the different way of languages. I let out a laugh and kiss his lips. "And you will be. You still have time to grow." I look to him and he watches me. "What have you not done with the Viking?" He licks his lips and runs his thumb against my lip.

I raise a brow to him and tilt my head to the side. I think for a moment and purse my lips, sitting up. He lays on his back and watches me as I move to kneel between his legs. I lean down and lift his shirt slightly, pressing kisses against his skin. He parts his lips and lets out a breath. I sit up and pull my gown over my head, licking my lips. He looks over my body and sits up, pulling his shirt from his body. I place my hand against his chest and push him back down, pressing my lips against his chest and stomach.

He reaches down and moves my hair to the side, watching me. I reach and untie his trousers, pulling them down his legs. I run my hand over his length and kiss along his stomach. I lean down and place him into my mouth, moving my head slowly. He lets out a breath and puts his head back with his eyes closed. His lips turn up into a grin and grips onto the sheets. I continue to move my head slowly and close my eyes, letting out a soft hum. He grabs onto my shoulder and lets out a soft groan.

He sits up and leans onto one hand. He puts his head back slightly and lets out a breath. I move my head from him and sit up. He tilts his head onto his shoulder and looks to me, grabbing the back of my head, pressing his lips deeply against mine. I let out a soft laugh and cup his cheek. "I love you." He says and I nod slowly. "I love you.."

He sits up on his knees and lays me down. I let out a laugh and smile. "You are mine." He says and clenches his jaw. "I am." I say and bite at my lip. He scoops his arm under my back and makes me arch it. I press my feet against the bed and lick my lips as he positions himself to move into me. He holds me up and continues to move his hips. I let out a soft moan as each time he hits my spot that makes my stomach feel weird.

I put my head back and moan louder. He moves his hips harder and bites at his lip. He closes his eyes and lets out a breath. He pulls me up and holds onto me, gripping onto my back. I rest my forehead against his and let out a moan softly. I move up and down, gripping his shoulders. I put my head back and close my eyes as I ride him through my high. He rests his forehead against my chest and releases himself, letting out a low groan. He lets out harsh breaths and grips my back. I let out breaths as well as I let my head fall forward, running my fingers through his hair.

We hold each other for moments, his hands that once gripped onto me, rubs my back slowly. I smile softly and feel his lips kiss against my skin. I let out a laugh and look at him. "Now we should sleep my love.." I tilt his head back with my chin and kiss his lips sweetly.

And we do.

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