980 55 46

Now it's the real great grand finale.


Two years later.

"Bro, congratulations! The song you just released is a hit! Your fans love it fcking much!"

The man lifted his bare face towards the excited producer who just checked the song's ranking online. He stared at him, faintly smiling.

The producer raised his brows. "Yah, Min Seok-ah? Why aren't you happy?"

"I am." Xiu Min smiled wider. "I was just reminded of someone that used to curse a lot like you. Ha, ha!"

"Ah, geurae?" The producer nodded. "Anyways, this ranking is quite awesome for someonewho just got discharged from the army one month ago! You still got jams, bruh!"

"Yeah, didn't expect I'd be having an EXO comeback this soon too. I should get going, I haven't had my lunch and the dance practice is starting at 2:30PM. Ugh."

"Aigoo, geurae! Go live that idol life again!"

Xiu Min nodded with another grin, and left the producer's room. He took out his earphones and immediately plugged them into his ears. His hands moved fast to pick his own song that the producer has been talking about, and also the song he kept repeating all day long.

Numerous noises in a stopped room
Quietly  close your eyes
And think of you always together

When an idea leaves me alone
Think about us
This light is full of our
The warmth embraces me

Could you come a little closer
I want to stay with you like this
It's okay if you do not tell me
You can see it when you look in your eyes
Look inside, shining in me
A beautiful person
You are the reason I walk

"You are the reason I walk." He sang together with the last line, simply biting his lips without saying anything after that.

He tucked his hands into his pockets and started to cross the road to get to his usual hide out- the cafe.

The cafe's staff warmly greeted him when he came in, as he has been a regular ever since he got discharged. No, even when he was on short leaves, he came to that cafe too.

People may think it's normal.

But to Xiu Min, it has a deeper meaning.

When he finished ordering his lunch, he sat down at a corner. He plugged out his earphones, and noticed how empty the cafe was. Usually there will be at least 5-6 full tables  but he could only see one or two customers. But heck, what does he care.

He only wants to take a break and reminisce on his past.

"Kiddo, can't you just stop eating too much ice cream?"

Xiu Min lifted his head, his eyes instantly falling onto the smiling face in front of him.

Then the girl scrunched her nose, resting her arms on the table.

"Yah, who told you to curse like me? Only I do that!"

Xiu Min grinned weakly, his eyes never moving from her eyes.

But then his eyes grew hot, and the vision was getting blurry. His chest felt like a stab just went through, but he had no power to stop or even react to it. He just sat there, watching as her face fades away and his tears soaked his own face.

Moon Star (Moonbyul x Xiumin)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora