Chapter 27

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Main P.O.V

A tear finally trickled down Moon Byul's face, her nose scrunched as she held it in.

"Uh." She lowered her head so Xiu Min couldn't see her face. "His name was exactly like what you said... He was a dark sky I would never forget no matter how bad I try. You've probably seen my condition whenever someone mentions him. I faint every fcking time."

Xiu Min felt his heart breaking as he stared at the vulnerable side of Moon Byul. The girl who used to curse at him for everything, who once knocked him out and threatened him with a gun, who was always sarcastic and strong.

That night, he realized that the person he was looking at was just like any other girl out there. Her outer mask was masculine, independent and charismatic but her heart...

She was just a fragile girl who needed to talk to somebody.

A girl who wanted a shoulder to cry on, rather than carrying the burdens all by her own.

"I'm sorry, I think I can't finish-h, I can't finish this story t-tonight... I can't..."

When more tears started to soak her cheeks and the sound of her muffled breath became more visbile, Xiu Min couldn't take it anymore.

He moved his wheelchair to be right in front of Moon Byul, positioning himself as close as possible to the girl who was looking down wih her hands clutching her pants tightly in order to stop crying.

When the girl realized what he was doing and lifted her head, the boy had already pulled her into a warm hug.

Moon Byul froze between his arms and his head that was touching hers. She felt her heartbeat fastened and in a split second, everything felt so nice. His embrace felt so warm that for a moment, she forgot about the sorrow and pain she just felt.

"I'm here, Byeol. It's okay. You don't have to finish it tonight."

Another tear rolled down from her eyes, her lips parted as she took the time to think of what she was feeling.

Because for once, she was honestly confused and sure at the same time.

Confused that she was feeling this way.

Sure that she was feeling something.

But what exactly is this feeling?

Moon Byul tried to snap back into reality by pushing him away, shocking Xiu Min as he lets go abruptly.

He looked at her with his eyebrows raised, startled. Moon Byul's tear stained face clearly looked confused and lost with her own actions as she avoided his eyes.

"Wh- why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Comforting me?" She bit her lower lip, trying to act strong like she always was. But somehow she couldn't put up that masculine mask, it was like Xiu Min had find a way to break it off and reveal who she really was behind it.

Her question left Xiu Min speechless himself.

Deep down he knew why.

Because you stole my heart, he thought. And I hate seeing you sad. I want to see you smile.

"Ah, don't answer that." She suddenly felt stupid, shaking her head as she bit her lips again. A faint smile came across her lips, as she snickered at herself. "It was a silly question."

Moon Star (Moonbyul x Xiumin)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat